first successes for Democrats in the House


A second seat of representative switches in favor of the democrats

Donna Shalala is given a win in the 27th district of Florida. On 75% of ballots counted, it leads with 51.7% of the vote against 45.9% for his Republican rival. The Democrat, president of the University of Miami, was secretary of health in the administration of Bill Clinton.

From our special correspondent in Atlanta:

Polling stations close in the rest of the eastern United States

The ballot is closed in the following states (or some of the following states): Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Mbadachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island , South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas; and in Washington DC.

Few changes are to be expected if the Democrats win a majority in the House, even though the House will have to decide on the new free trade agreement negotiated with Mexico and Canada. Foreign policy is decided at the White House.

A first seat lost by Republicans in the House?

CNN's projections give winning Democrat Jennifer Wexton in the 10th district of Virginia. And the first ballots counted (59% of the total) give him a comfortable lead: 58.7% against 41.3% for his Republican opponent.

Hello Tom, we are here to answer your questions and inform you as soon as reliable information reaches us. But we do not, as much as possible, make predictions.

"We live in Georgia, not in Washington, we are concerned about what is good for our state"

Our special correspondent Stephanie Le Bars spent the day voting in Georgia, where the very conservative Brian Kemp is knee-high with Democrat Stacey Abrams for the governorship. Stacey Abrams is the first black woman in Canadian history to seriously consider such a position.

Polling stations closed in Ohio, West Virginia and North Carolina

In West Virginia and Ohio, which put Donald Trump in the lead in 2016, Democratic senators have their seats put on the line.

Only 33 senators are renewed in this election (one-third). The 42 Republican senators you mention were not elected today, their seat was simply not at stake.

It's a bit early to say. The advance vote has in any case broken records this year:

These are estimates for elections, the result of which was hardly any doubt.

Many of you are wondering about the length of the count and the complexity of the vote. Our special correspondent in Georgia, Stéphanie Le Bars, shows us here a ballot in Atlanta:

White House insists on President Trump's role in the campaign

Voting is over in several key states

Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, Vermont and New Hampshire are added to Indiana and Kentucky.

No, the vote is closed in these two states.

Former Democratic primary candidate Bernie Sanders and former Hillary Clinton runner-up in 2016 reelected, according to CNN

No, each state has two senators, elected by the entire state.

Hello Leroilat, it is the first bulletins stripped, no estimates of the exit polls type. And the first constituencies involved are rural and traditionally pro-Republican, the cities (Indianapolis, Gary), which voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, for example, have not been stripped, so be cautious.

This election is important because the outgoing is a Democrat, Joe Donnelly, in a Republican-friendly state (56.9% for Trump in 2016, Vice President Mike Pence is former Governor of Indiana).

Hello Nils, these are constituencies that we say "toss up", ie undecided, likely to switch on one side or the other.

In Kentucky, Amy McGrath, Democratic candidate and strong head

We had published a few days ago the portrait of Amy McGrath, candidate in Kentucky, where polling stations have just closed. It is in a difficult position according to the first estimates.

Midterms 2018: Amy McGrath, Democratic candidate and strong head

The Monde.frNew Faces of Midterms 1/4. In the run-up to the mid-term elections, Tuesday, November 6, in the United States, "The World" dedicates a series of articles to four candidates from both parties. Today, Democrat Amy McGrath, Kentucky.

Yes. Each state having at least one representative.

The queues are long because of the small number of polling stations and the complexity of the ballot: Americans vote not only for their representatives and senators at the federal level, but also at the level of their state, sometimes for their governor (36 d among them), for their sheriff, their municipal councilor, for local references, etc.

Hello, it was rather discreet, unlike former President Barack Obama, who has multiplied meetings and fundraising.

Hello mat, the House of Representatives is renewed in its entirety (435 seats). Currently, the Republican Party holds a majority of 235 seats, against 193 Democrats; seven seats being vacant. The Democrats are hopeful of winning the 25 seats that will make a difference.

On the other hand, indeed, the Senate takeover seems more perilous. Currently, Republicans have a narrow majority (51/100). A third of the seats are put back into play (33/100), most of them held by Democrats (23 + 2 related independents). To regain the Senate, it would be necessary for all Democrats to be re-elected (which is not obvious, given the states concerned, half of whom voted Donald Trump in 2016), and two Republicans fall.

Hello, yucky cat, you're absolutely right. The mere control of the House of Representatives will give the Democrats only a power of proposal and nuisance. The control of the Senate, on the contrary, would allow them to carry out their legislative work, to influence appointments, including federal judges, and to vote or not a possible impeachment – even if for many of these tasks, it is a qualified majority (60/100) that is necessary.

Hello everyone, the results will spread out, if everything goes as planned, between (in Paris time) midnight and 6 am.

What are the stakes of these elections? Explanations in our article:

Good evening and welcome to this live dedicated to the election night of the "midterms", the mid-term elections in the United States.

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