For its 90th birthday, Brussels dedicates a park to the Belgian singer Annie Cordy


VIDEOS – The formidable partner to the stage of Luis Mariano and Bourvil, devilishly popular performer of The Good of the priest and Tata Yoyo celebrated its 90 spring on June 16 latest. The Belgians paid tribute to her on Saturday by inaugurating a place named after her in Laeken where she was born.

In The Singer of Mexico City for the aesthetes Annie Cordy remains and will remain the amazing accomplice operetta of his friends, the immense Luis Mariano and Bourvil. As the Belgians do not forget, Brussels paid tribute to him on Sunday by baptizing a park named after him in the commune of Laeken where she was born, a "formidable" way of being "recognized by his family", welcomed the singer and actress who has just turned 90.

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<img src =" 07/09 / XVM81956112-8353-11e8-b88c-d5dab2edc312-805×453.jpg "width =" 680 "height =" 382 "clbad =" picture-media-photo "alt =" Annie Cordy, Luis Mariano and Bourvil in The Singer of Mexico City in 1956. "/>
                Annie Cordy, Luis Mariano and Bourvil in The Singer of Mexico City in 1956. Rue des Archives / © Rue des Archives / GDR

"It is an incredible effect to be so recognized by his, "said the artist, attached to the phone after the popular festival held in his honor. "And it's great to be surrounded by so many smiles and good humor, it was not stuffy," she added with her legendary dynamism.

From her real name Léonie Cooreman, Annie Cordy was born on June 16, 1928 in Laeken, a town in the north of Brussels known for hosting famous greenhouses and a castle of the royal family. Now a park of the town bears his name, a gesture desired by the city of Brussels to celebrate his petulant citizen.

Known including having interpreted Tata Yoyo folk song in the noble sense of the term released in 1980 Annie Cordy has spent most of her career in France, where she lives. She had left Belgium as early as 1950 in her twenties to take part in the review of Lido, one of the most famous cabarets of the French capital.

"Annie Cordy is one of our greatest artists on the map of the song than of the theater and the cinema. She made Brussels and Laeken shine because she is a generous woman who has never forgotten her roots, "said Karine Lalieux, Alderman in charge of Culture in Brussels. "For his 90 years, there was for us an evidence and a need to honor him in Laeken," continued the ailing, delighted to honor such a great lady of the song.

A tribute to the breathtaking career Annie Cordy for his 90th birthday

Annie Cordy and Luis Mariano: Ah! That it's good

Annie Cordy and Bourvil: The little stroke of luck

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