German courts allow Carles Puigdemont to be handed over to Spain for embezzlement, but not for rebellion


"Extradition for the charge of misappropriation of public funds is admissible, extradition for the charge of rebellion is not admissible", said the court of Schleswig-Holstein

German justice On Thursday, 12 July, he authorized the surrender of Catalan independence leader Carles Puigdemont to Madrid for embezzlement. But she rejected the more serious motive of rebellion for which he is charged in Spain, and for which the separatist leader risked 30 years in prison. "Extradition for the charge of misappropriation of public funds is admissible, extradition for the charge of rebellion is not admissible" So indicated the court of Schleswig-Holstein.

It is now up to the public prosecutor to organize this surrender to the Spanish authorities. In the meantime, the former president of Catalonia "Carles Puigdemont remains free". The prosecution later stated that it was "to decide shortly on the authorization to extradite the accused for embezzlement" .

The court's decision is a blow to the Spanish charges, because it can prevent a trial for rebellion: "the court badumes that the Spanish court will respect (the German decision) and that it will not prosecute the accused Puigdemont for rebellion in addition the accusation of corruption ". The judges also rejected the arguments of the Catalan separatist who considered that he was a victim of political prosecution and that therefore his extradition should be banned. "It is absurd to bring (such an accusation) against the Spanish State, member of the community of value and legal space of the European Union", considers the court.

Pursued for rebellion and embezzlement in Spain due to the Catalan independence referendum held in the autumn of 2017, Carles Puigdemont had fled to Belgium after his dismissal of the Catalan presidency by Madrid and from there traveled to try to internationalize his fight. He was arrested at the end of March in northern Germany.

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