Germany agrees to take 50 migrants


At the request of Italy, Berlin accepted 50 of the 450 migrants on board two ships of the European border guard agency Frontex.

On Sunday, Germany announced that it had accepted Italy's request to take 50 of the 450 migrants on board two ships of the European border guard agency Frontex, as had been France and Malta having made the same commitment the day before

"Germany and Italy have agreed that in view of the forthcoming talks on the intensification of bilateral cooperation on asylum policy Germany is ready to take care of 50 people, "a spokesman for the German government said in a statement.

" Very quickly offers from other European countries will arrive ". Saturday, head of the Italian government Giuseppe Conte announced that France and Malta would take "each 50 of the 450 migrants transhipped on two military ships". "Very quickly the offers of other European countries will arrive," he said. The head of the government had claimed this success "after a day of telephone and written contact with all 27 European leaders," saying he reminded them of "the logic and the spirit of sharing contained in the conclusions of the European Council of end june "

Eight women and children were transported for medical reasons to Lampedusa. The 450 migrants from Libya were spotted aboard a wooden boat on Friday. On Saturday morning, at the approach of the two Frontex ships, several migrants threw themselves overboard, prompting immediate mobilization to rescue them, according to Italian sources. Eight women and children were transported for medical reasons to Lampedusa, Italy.

Matteo Salvini's position on migrants. Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, who wants to reduce to zero the number of migrants arriving on Italian shores, decided a month ago to ban access to Italian ports to NGOs that help migrants in the Mediterranean . It now wishes to extend this ban to ships of international missions in the Mediterranean, Italy's position being to share with the EU the management of migratory flows.

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