Guillaume Canet: discover his new look very surprising – 22/07/2018



 Guillaume Canet - RelaxNews - AFP PHOTO / TIZIANA FABI

Guillaume Canet

On vacation, Guillaume Canet decided to change his look. On Instagram, the French actor and director unveiled his new haircut: the ball to zero.

While he has just finished shooting the film "In the name of the earth", in which he plays a farmer and carries a mustache, Guillaume Canet decided to celebrate the beginning of his holidays by shaving his hair. Used to make the buzz on social networks, the husband Marion Cotillard shared on his Instagram account a video in which he staged, making the clown singing "My name is" Eminem.

"C ' is the holidays, he says in comment of his post. End of shooting !!! So, we cut everything for a rebirth after all these characters played this year! A very busy year! Happy holidays to all those who like me have the chance to have some ". Net surfers were obviously very surprised by this change of look. As for his friend Sinclair, he reacted to this new style with mockery: "Ahaha bading egg skull! ", He commented on the publication of Guillaume Canet

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