This is the largest data breach in the history of the archipelago.
Hackers stole medical records belonging to 1.5 million people in Singapore – more than a quarter of the time population – including Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. It is a cyberattack "deliberate, targeted, well planned" and "unprecedented" against a database of the state which is at the origin of this flight, reports Friday, July 20 the Singaporean authorities. This is the largest data breach in the history of the Southeast Asian archipelago of 5.8 million people.
"The hackers specifically targeted and repeatedly personal information and outpatient information from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong " said Health Minister Gan Kim Yong at a press conference. The authorities refused to disclose the identity of the hackers, citing reasons of "operational security" .
The rich city-state of Singapore is highly computerized and digitizes the databases of the state and basic services. The authorities have long warned against cyberattacks by hackers who may be students or delinquents or institutional actors. In 2017, hackers entered a Ministry of Defense database, stealing information from some 850 conscripts and ministry employees.
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