"He left as he lived, with class," reacts Dominique Farrugia


Find here all of our live #GILDAS

7:50 p.m. Did you know that Philippe Gildas was a pseudonym? The real name of the animator is Philippe Lepêtre. He had explained about this change of name on RTL in 1995: he had to intervene on the antenna in full military service, which was forbidden to him, and had thus chosen this pseudo. "If they heard my name, it was a blow to do six more months to the army but in a cell. (…) I found my son's name as his name. I kept my name to make sure it was me and I put Gildas. "

7:35 p.m. : "I did not think he was so lovedcontinues Maryse Gildas. It's enormous [le nombre de réactions]it still goes on, that means he deserved it. "

7:23 p.m. : Maryse Gildas intervened in the Children of the TV: "It was a beautiful story Cbad +, he could not say no [à Pierre Lescure]", she comments on France 2, as she describes her husband as a man "who preferred the radio".

5:13 p.m. : Great emotion for the @restosducoeur who lose a faithful friend, Philippe Gildas, first support to the small idea that #Coluche launched at his side on @ Europe1 33 years ago; thoughts for Maryse Gildas also present from the beginning #philippegildas

5:13 p.m. : The Restos du Cœur recall that Philippe Gildas had participated in the launch of the charity at the initiative of Coluche.

4:23 p.m. : France 2 broadcast a special TV show dedicated to Philippe Gildas tonight at 7:15 pm, in the presence of his wife Maryse.

3:12 p.m. : Philippe Gildas joined the Cbad spirits. He left as he lived, with clbad, humor and delicacy. We think of Maryse, her family and loved ones. We liked Philippe very much.
Love and farts.

3:13 p.m. : "Philippe Gildas has joined the spirits Cbad.He left as he lived, with clbad, humor and delicacy", written on Twitter Dominique Farrugia, who signs "The Nulls".

2:43 p.m. : Thank you, Mr. Gildas, for everything. A wonderful man, full of empathy and kindness. Thoughts to Maryse and all her family.

2:42 p.m. : The death of Phillipe Gildas is a heartbreaker. I can not believe it.

2:41 p.m. : The channel spirit is dead and Philippe Gildas forever nowhere else!

2:41 p.m. : You continue to react after the death of Philippe Gildas, who died at 82 years of cancer.

1:52 p.m. : Cbad + has put online moments of cult Philippe Gildas here. You will find, for example, a number of "Guignols of info" dedicated to the animator.

1:14 p.m. : "He was a talent scout and they are still there, even if they are getting old too, they were all there, they came to see him, thank you all, it's warming, it feels good."

The wife of Philippe Gildas reacts to the microphone of Europe 1.

1:51 p.m. : Great sadness to learn the departure of Philippe Gildas. He accompanied my youth. It was a beautiful soul of the television.

1:51 p.m. : Deeply sad about the death of Phillipe Gildas. I'm 35 years old and I knew him both on TV sets, in radio stations, we lose a serious and humble man.

1:07 p.m. : Philippe Gildas is gone and this day becomes grayer and colder.

1:50 p.m. : Many of you are always sharing your excitement when you hear about the death of Philippe Gildas.

12:21 : Philippe Gildas was an honest and informed journalist, a very talented TV host, a great man, a good colleague. Grief.

12:21 : Philippe Gildas, an example, a model who knew how to mix journalism and animation with talent. Very sad when he heard of his death. #RIP

12:21 : Upset and shaken by the death of Philippe Gildas, for having long worked with him: a great Lord of the media and a Prince of friendship

12:22 : Journalists and animators continue to pay tribute to Philippe Gildas, who died of cancer at the age of 82.


12:06 : Tomorrow, Cbad + will pay tribute to Philippe Gildas by broadcasting, in clear, at 17:45, the portrait A wonderful man. A documentary told by Antoine de Caunes.

11:32 : Journalist and exceptional animator, Philippe Gildas has been able to break the codes, innovate, make people laugh and make people think. By his kindness he has created a bond of affection with the French. All my thoughts are with his wife Maryse and his family.

11:32 : Great Voice of@ Europe1 where he brought back Coluche and threw with him @restosducoeur, awesome inventor of Nowhere else, with @antoinedecaunes and Dummies: Philippe Gildas accompanied my youth. We will miss him. Thought for his relatives, especially Maryse.

11:32 : The executive pays tribute to Philippe Gildas. "Philippe Gildas accompanied my youth and we will miss him", writes Benjmain Griveaux, spokesman for the government. For Franck Riester, Minister of Culture, Philippe Gildas "has been able to break the codes, innovate, make people laugh and make people think".

11:07 : A lot of sadness in learning about the death of #PhilippeGildas . He was a huge audiovisual professional and model for all. Loving thought to Maryse.

11:06 : Great sadness on hearing the death of Philippe Gildas. Benevolence itself. Empathy, interest in others, pbadion for his job. Happy to have worked with him at France Inter when I started in this profession.

11:08 : Patrick Poivre d'Arvor and Jean-Pierrre Pernault, in turn, pay tribute to Philippe Gildas.

10:52 : RIP my Philou. With all my love. #nowhere else @cbadplus @josegarciaoff @CryinCowboy brunogaston1 #pierrelescure #didier https: // www.instagram.com/p/BpeN-jTngrh/? Utm_source = & ig_twitter_share igshid = 1r7q5ie7ju3b1

10:51 : Goodbye my Philou … ??????????????

10:51 : I'm not going to tell you about her life, she's been with you so long.What an extra man he was and why we loved him so much, you know it or guess it too.All the memories that make a life, we'll tell them.For the hour, the sadness … And my affection for you, Maryse.

10:55 : Pierre Lescure, who co-founded Cbad +, reacts on Twitter: "What an extra man he was". "Goodbye my Philou …", writes José Garcia, former troublemaker of "Nulle Part Ailleurs". "RIP my Philou"said Antoine de Caunes.

10:36 : Philippe Gildas … you were a model, an example for a whole generation of men and women of our profession.You had taken the wise decision to stop to live .. still .. but too little, in Corsica .. We pray for your rest and kiss Maryse affectionately.

10:36 : It is with deep sadness that I learn the departure of Philippe Gildas. So brilliant, intelligent, precursor, generous, it is a great gentleman who goes away. Thoughts to all his family and his many friends. #PhilippeGildas #respect

10:36 : Philippe Gildas, a memory of true kindness, true kindness. Thoughts for Maryse.

10:36 : Tributes to Philippe Gildas continue to flow. François Morel, who officiated in Les Deschiens, remembers his "true benevolence". Nagui evokes a man "brilliant, intelligent, precursor". Jean-Pierre Foucault speaks of a "model, an example for a whole generation of men and women of our profession".

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