Hidalgo ready to welcome Asia Bibi to Paris


Anne Hidalgo urged France today to "intervene with Pakistan" to allow Asia Bibi to "take refuge in another country", the mayor of Paris saying "ready to welcome" the Christian acquitted in the capital , of which she is a citizen of honor.

»READ ALSO – The Asia Bibi case destabilizes Pakistan

"The acquittal of Asia Bibi by the Supreme Court of Pakistan was a real relief to all those who, like me, had given him support and called for his release in recent years," he said. AFP the socialist mayor on the sidelines of a trip to Lille, where she attended the General Assembly of French-speaking mayors. "But her situation remains particularly precarious, since she is still imprisoned and she and her relatives are subjected to numerous death threats," she added.

"France has a duty to help her and her family by intervening with Pakistan to allow her to take refuge in another country, where she will be safe and where she will be able to practice. Christian religion freely, "asked Ms. Hidalgo. In 2014, the Paris City Hall awarded Ms. Bibi honorary citizenship "to help protect her".

"Now that she is acquitted, I am ready to welcome her to Paris, to hand over this citizenship to her and to accompany her and her family members so that they can integrate sustainably in France", badured Anne Hidalgo. "There is urgency, if France and the international community do not mobilize voluntarily, we can fear the worst for Asia Bibi.Do not wait for a tragedy to occur.It is now necessary to act", she still pleaded.

The Supreme Court of Pakistan decided last week to acquit Asia Bibi, a Christian farm worker in her 50s, who was sentenced to death in 2010 for "blasphemy", after being denounced by an imam. This decision provoked the fury of Islamists, who blocked the main axes of the country for three days. The demonstrations stopped only after the signing of a controversial agreement with the protesters. The government undertakes to launch a procedure to prohibit Asia Bibi from leaving the country and not to block a petition to review the acquittal judgment.


In Pakistan, Islamists demand the hanging of Christian Asia Bibi

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