his entourage indulges after his overdose


While Demi Lovato is recovering from an overdose, some of his relatives are indulging.

The images reveal nothing of what will be played out a few hours later. A video obtained by the site TMZ shows Demi Lovato shortly before she suffered an overdose, Tuesday: she was celebrating the birthday of one of his dancers, Dani Vitale, without anything in this short film, indicates that the singer, who will turn 26 on August 20, was in bad shape. According to TMZ, witnesses who met Demi Lovato in the restaurant found her normal, smiling and laughing during the party. It is in other revelations of the American press that probably plays the personal drama of Demi Lovato. "People" quotes indeed a former close to the singer who evokes the difficult relationship between Demi Lovato and his mother, Dianna De La Garza.

For this familiar, the star's mother was aware of the problems of addiction of his daughter, but was unable to make him listen to reason. "Her mother is a nice person who really does not have a voice at all", says "People" this intimate. A case that would be only one among others in Hollywood, where it happens that the children stars take the ascendancy on their parents. "I worked with many children. All these mothers become non-mothers. They become the slaves of their children. Demi's mother was like a slave to her. She gave him everything she wanted. Even at age 16, [Demi] was like, "I pay the bills, this house is my house".

In 2010, she had hit one of her dancers

Dianna De La Garza s were already confided about his difficulties in raising his ultra-famous daughter. "Every night, I put an alarm clock for 2 o'clock in the morning. If she had not come home, I would call her until she walked in the door. What can you tell your child when she pays the most bills? "She wrote in a book.

In an interview with "Billboard" magazine, Demi Lovato spoke about her sadness in March. "When I started talking about my sobriety, I could no longer be seen in a box drinking. If I relapse, I show my fans that it does not matter to relapse, and I can not do that, "she confided then. Younger, the former Disney star had multiplied the excesses. She used cocaine for the first time when she was 17 years old. "The first time I took it, I lost control. My father was addicted and was an alcoholic. I guess I always tried to find out what he found in drugs, because he liked it and he preferred it to his family, "she explained in a documentary broadcast last fall. She has sometimes been violent: Demi Lovato had hit one of her dancers aboard a plane, in November 2010. Still according to "People", the family of the singer insists today that she follows a cure of detoxification.

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