His invalid election, MP Thierry Robert (MoDem) is ineligible for three years


Paris – The Constitutional Council invalidated on Friday the election of Reunion MP Thierry Robert (MoDem) and declared him ineligible for three years for failure to comply with his tax obligations, a situation that follows several warnings also concerning its heritage.

This decision of the Constitutional Council, which can not be appealed, will therefore entail the organization of a new election in the 7th district of Reunion, within a maximum of three months, according to the electoral code.

Since the moralization laws of September 2017, the tax administration systematically checks that MPs are up to date with the payment of their taxes and that they have correctly completed their tax returns.

According to the Constitutional Council, Mr. Robert, 41 years old, " did not, in the month following the attestation alleging non-compliance " of his fiscal situation, " paid his taxes, constituted neither sufficient guarantees nor entered into a binding agreement to pay his taxes ".

If the elected Reunion had " partially regularized his tax situation before the deadline which was left for this purpose, and in full after this period ", the Sages have held that, " in view of the size of the sums due and the seniority of its tax debt ", there was " to pronounce the ineligibility of Mr. Robert" to any mandate for a period of three years "and" to declare him automatically resigning his mandate as a deputy ".

Counsel does not specify the amount of the sums in cause.

Thierry Robert was the only one of the 577 deputies of the Assembly who did not obtain " attestation of fiscal compliance " last April, had indicated the presidency of the National Assembly, which had then seized the Constitutional Council.

" At the time of issuance of this certificate, I had a debt on the ISF from the tax authorities, but in the meantime my situation was completely regularized, with the totality of payments ", then explained in a statement Mr. Robert, entrepreneur and industrialist by profession.

– " serious doubt " –

The deputy, who still defends in the law commission an amendment to revise the statute of the Meeting within the framework of the constitutional reform, had attended end of June at the Elysee Palace at the presentation of the Overseas Blue Book, a variation of government policy for overseas territories. On his Facebook account, we see him on this occasion posing with the President of the Republic.

The situation of Thierry Robert, elected to the Assembly since 2012, is also in the crosshairs of justice. She was seized by the High Authority for the transparency of public life in February, concerning her declaration of end of term patrimony.

This independent authority had considered that there was a " serious doubt as to the completeness, accuracy and sincerity of this statement " end of term established in late 2016, related to " the omission of a substantial part of the patrimony "of the elected.

The MP was already under investigation by the Paris prosecutor's office in early July 2015, after a report from the HATVP on a possible undervaluation of his badets. The elected then denounced " errors of appreciation " and " a slanderous denunciation ".

In the previous legislature, the HATVP also alerted the National Assembly and the Chancellery about the situation of the MP, whose functions in several real estate companies might have been incompatible with his mandate. But the Constitutional Council had decided at the end of January 2016 that it could continue to exercise its functions in these companies in parallel.

million. Robert was also called to order in November 2017 by the President of the National Assembly François de Rugy (LREM) for using his status as a deputy in the context of private activities. He had finally withdrawn the advertising of one of his real estate companies on his Facebook account where he appears deputy.

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