How Laurent Lafitte became indispensable in cinema


Laurent Lafitte in Paul Sanchez came back from Patricia Mazuy – SBS distribution
  • Laurent Lafitte wins again at the cinema in "Paul Sanchez is back! "By Patricia Mazuy.
  • After his quotations to the César for" Elle "and" Au revoir là-haut ", the resident of the Comédie-Française confirms that he is gifted in the theater, but also in the cinema.
  • The actor embodies a new disturbing character, but this time he manages to bring out the humanity.

Let's say it all clear: Paul Sanchez came back!
Patricia Mazuy confirms that
Laurent Lafitte is a great actor who can make the spectator go through all kinds of emotions. In a few years, the resident of the
Comédie-Française has emerged on the screens and his role as a criminal tired after years of running is a step in a career already well supplied.

He communicates an amazing humanity to a character against Zita Hanrot as a policewoman determined to corner him. "Laurent has a sense of burlesque and tragic," says the director of Girl Sport (2011) in the press kit. This balancing talent allowed him to make his hole in the world of the seventh art with two citations to the Caesars for Her Paul Verhoeven in 2017 and Goodbye up there Albert Dupontel in 2018.

When Laurent makes laugh

The comedy succeeds to Laurent Lafitte. Little Handkerchiefs (which he is currently shooting
continuation) sets the tone. Then, both Dad or Mom where he gives the reply to Marina Fois sink the nail. "
We tend to hysterise each other, "said the comedian at 20 Minutes at the release of the second part. And it works: the spectators twist and make a triumph to this delusional couple.

When Laurent seduced

He is an object of fantasies for Sandrine Kiberlain for She adores Jeanne Hery. According to her, "Laurent releases a natural clbad in which he can also make something worrying". It is this aspect of his talent that earned a new consecration on the big screen. His charism is also evident in K.O. by Fabrice Gobert

When Laurent is disturbing

His ambiguous neighbor character of Isabelle Huppert in She then the terrifying officer who persecutes the hero of Goodbye up there impress. The latter turns out to be downright scary by his contempt for human life. Dupontel says of him: "Laurent has brought a terrifying dimension to this icy personage who feels he is capable of anything to save his skin."

When Laurent comes alive

He gave voice, Laurent Laffite. For the amusing Turbo (2013) where he doubles a snail ace of Formula 1. "I dream that they give me a character of villain with a beautiful deep voice like that of Jeremy Irons who doubles Scar in the original version of Lion King »
he confided then to 20Minutes . This is now done for the animated version of Grinch which will be released on November 28.

>> To read also: Spend your holidays at the movies (it's cool and we did not not to carry his luggage)

Nice idea to give voice to the excellent @LaurentLaffitte to double #LeGrinch @UniversalFR @IllumEnt pic / TWYlkC8MLc

– Vied Caroline (@Caroklouk) July 12, 2018

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