Hundreds of US military deployed on the Mexican border


Eight hundred additional US troops must be deployed to control the flow of thousands of migrants from Honduras and marching towards the United States.

Migrants from Honduras to the United States arrive in Zacapa, Guatemala, on October 24.

The thousands of migrants from Honduras are not welcome in the United States, where they are heading. The Pentagon will deploy " several hundred " military on the border with Mexico, said Thursday, October 25 a US official. Speaking on condition of anonymity, the official said these troops would bring on-site logistical support.

Nearly 7,000 migrants, including women and infants, who have been fleeing Honduran violence and misery for several days, stopped in southern Mexico on Tuesday before resuming their march the next day, raising tensions. between Mexico City and Washington.

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"Exhausted", the 7,000 Honduran migrants leave in a procession to the United States

"The laws adopted by the Democrats make it difficult for us to stop people at the border, had previously said Donald Trump Thursday morning on Twitter. I send the army for this national emergency. They will be stopped! " The US president had already deployed at the border in April some 2,100 members of the National Guard. These troops operate there mainly in a supporting role, in order to unload the border guards.

According to CNN, Defense Minister Jim Mattis is preparing to send at least 800 more troops to the area. It is unclear whether this new deployment will consist of regular army troops or new reservists from the National Guard.

"An badault on our country"

In the United States, Donald Trump seized the case to put the hot topic of immigration back into the heart of the mid-term crucial election campaign and galvanize its base. "It's an badault on our country, an badault! "he said in Texas, state border with Mexico. The US president said he warned the army and border guards against this "National emergency". And also blamed the Mexican military and police for being "unable" to stop the migrants.

After speaking with Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez on Tuesday, US Vice President Mike Pence suggested that Honduran organizations " from the left " and financed by Venezuela were behind this cohort of migrants, sent "North to challenge our sovereignty".

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A "caravan" of Honduran migrants comes to the US countryside

The president of Honduras has promised jobs to his compatriots left in this exodus if they return to the country. He presented a $ 27 million plan for "Safe return" migrants, including subsidies, housing, agricultural projects, work in public worksites, microenterprise loans and scholarships.

The future Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrard, has promised "Substantial changes" on the migration policy after the inauguration of the left elected President, Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador, on 1st December. He said the future government would seek to boost investment in Central America to slow the flow of migrants.

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