"I receive messages of hallucinatory violence," says Christophe Beaugrand


"I receive messages of insults, of a hallucinating violence". The TF1 animator Christophe Beaugrand was invited to the show Talk Show on RMC Story with her husband Ghislain Gerin to testify to the violence that they suffer in particular on social networks.

Present at a rally to fight against homophobia in Paris last Sunday, Christophe Beaugrand explains Friday, October 26, "have perspective", about insults but concedes that "It's hard to live with and sometimes it hurts"Both spouses explain not to hold hands in the street" perhaps for modesty or for fear of disturbing. "Especially in recent weeks during which a series of homophobic attacks in Paris have stirred public opinion .

So, in this context, Christophe Beaugrand and her husband decided to make their union public to fight directly against homophobia: "Through our couple, it's important to pbad messages", Judge Ghislain Gerin. For the animator, "it was important to convey this message of 'trivialization', 'normalization', with big quotation marks".

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