"I still want to enjoy life"


Nearly a century, seventy-five years of career! Two good reasons to celebrate Line Renaud . For the occasion, France 2 has prepared a special bonus Happy Birthday Line to discover this Tuesday, July 3 … on which we know absolutely nothing! In order to keep the surprise, the channel even has the list of guests. A mystery that worries as much as it enchants the azure-eyed artist.

What do you expect for this bonus in your honor?

I have no idea! It's amazing the conspiracy around me! [Elle rit.] I have tried to ask Michael, my badistant, to inquire because I like to prepare myself, but I do not know anything!

Who would you like to have by your side?

suppose there will be my "intimissimes", Muriel Robin, Dany Boon and Claude Chirac. They are really part of my family. All I know is that we will see archives of my career, since I have been asked. As a result, I took a lot of images of my period in Las Vegas

Las Vegas where you inaugurated last year a street in your name!

[Émue.] Do you realize? If I had been told that at the time! On the day of the inauguration, I thought of my mother and Loulou [son mari, décédé en 1995, ndlr]. So many people say they make fun of the rewards. It's wrong. It's so beautiful.

⋙ Line Renaud is going to have his street … in Las Vegas!

What memory do you have of your American years?

One of my best memories, dates back to 1960 when I was leading a magazine in Paris. Elvis Presley, who was doing his military service in Germany, came to watch my show with three American soldiers. Loulou, my husband, offered to join us behind the scenes after the show. Once in my lodge, he took my husband's guitar, and he sang until the end of the night! Unfortunately, we have no picture or photo of this crazy night, but when we left, Elvis had promised to come see me in Las Vegas. A few years later, the day of my first American, who do I see? The king ! He had kept his promise …

If you had a magic wand, what would be your best gift?

The only gift to offer me today is no longer dependent on anyone except the "Grand coordinator": me let the form, the energy, the memory intact. I do not know when my time is fixed, but I still want to enjoy life.

You are still one of the favorite personalities of the French . How do you explain your popularity?

I like the audience. I never cheated with him. I always reply to the mails that are sent to me, even if it is sometimes with a little delay. It is a respect we owe to the public. I know Dany Boon is like this. And Johnny was, too …

⋙ César 2018: the moving homage of Dany Boon and Line Renaud to Johnny Hallyday (VIDEO)

Johnny of which you were the godmother … How do you live the war around his legacy?

It continues to shock me. That's why I never talk about it. There are so many things we do not know … Family stories must stay with family. Everyone gets involved, I hear everything and anything. Some speak without even knowing it! I do not like it. I think of Johnny. I tell myself that if he sees that from up there, he must be very unhappy …

Missing you?

Yes, a lot. And not only to me, to everyone. He has a little self-destruct. He smoked so much, so drunk, so worked too … [Elle s’arrête, émue.] But it was a rock, a mountain. I think of him every day …

⋙ Death of Johnny Hallyday: Line Renaud burst into tears in the face of Anne-Sophie Lapix (VIDEO)

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