"I'm going to introduce Christopher to my daughter"


INTERVIEW – In the Monday episode, this dairy farmer made her choice between her two contenders. The adventure stopped for Teddy.

LE FIGARO. -What was the trigger to participate in Love is in the meadow ?
AUDE. One day, at a fair at my daughter's school, I was asked where my husband was. When I said that I was single, the person did not believe it. She told me that I seemed too happy to be available. She was totally wrong.

Did you have a crush during the mail stage?
I will not talk about a favorite but some letters touched me, yes. I selected the letters that marked me the most.

Eight people will come to speed-dating, you finally decide to retain Teddy and Christopher. Why? I would have liked to see them again but Teddy and Christopher made me want to discover them. The others were paralyzed. They were impressed by the cameras.

»READ ALSO – Love is in the meadow: the bottom of the love story between Raoul and Laetitia

At the beginning of the farm stay, you get closer to Teddy …
Yes, because Christopher does not know how to seduce a girl. This is his mode of operation. Teddy is more sentimental. When he expressed his feelings, it was touching. When he took me in his arms, it was electrifying. We also kissed each other's lips. He was getting ahead. But the next morning, I realized that it was not a man for me. And at that moment, I saw Christopher as a friend so I was lost.

"With Christopher, we have the same projects"

Aude of Love is in the meadow

Christopher finally opened …
That's what I expected: a beautiful declaration of love. I'm also very tactile so when he pressed me against him, it was obvious. That's how I want to be hugged. When Teddy left, we felt like a couple.

What do you like about Christopher?
His humor. He is particularly good at telling jokes below the waist. And then it is constant, whether at speed dating or on the farm, it has always had the same guideline. There are no surprises with him. It's rebaduring.

On the beach, he talks about his desire to have children
We feel so good together that everything is fluid. We have the same projects.

Have you already planned to introduce your daughter?
Yes, it is planned, I really want it. Its important to me. But, I'll do the off-camera presentations.

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