"I'm not a man": the tragi-comedy of the white man who wanted to be non-binary


Gender question. On June 29, a gay activist claimed on a television set that he was not a man. And if the delirium of the genre went a little too far? Attempt of intersectional exploration to help characters in search of bad, and a time in search of meaning

Who said there was no comedian in France? Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas, administrator of the inter-LGBT is the new star of the web. Youtubeur novice, he has the click-through counter with his brand new video. Dignified heir of the Inconnus, our man … is not one of them. Indeed, he refused to appear on the numbers of his fellow men on the set of Daniel Schneidermann's last stop on images based on the theme of the Gay Pride. "We must not confuse gender identity and gender expression," argues to drive the point. Yet everything was in agreement: his face, his beard, his voice, his name, his baldness. But perhaps it was going too fast.

There is no more fire among the Smiths of The bald singer of Eugene Ionesco than of man in the body of Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas. Is. As definitive of the absurd, the gay activist chooses to define himself as "non-binary" . He then indicates that he is not white either. Do not be fooled by appearances, "This is not a pipe" as René Magritte wrote on this famous painting of a pipe, The Betrayal of Images . But there is a catch, and a big one, because the words of our turlupin are held with the greatest seriousness.

"What is the ego? asked Pascal. "What does that mean? " wrote Stéphane Mallarmé. How far can the concept of semiological illisibility go? We would like to praise, but just five minutes, surrealism or a hypothetical implementation of a deconstructivist philosophy, insult the memory of Heidegger, abuse of Derrida … But we would still be enormously honor to Gauthier-Fawas if l his words were inscribed in an intellectual or literary tradition. And if he was just crazy, or just completely stupid?

A print of the time, until the caricature. Symbol if it is of its inconsistencies, its abuses of language, its pretenses and its involuntary energy to create grotesque. The gesture of Arnaud Gauthier-Fawas is likely to make a date. And as if to underline the climate of permanent self-censorship in which we live, we survive, the reactive inertia of Daniel Schneidermann comes to drive the nail to watch the sequence. Worse perhaps: the excuses he makes in front of his non-binary host. At other times (and probably other places than the media, doomed to show, to react more than to deliver meaning), the natural reaction of the interlocutor Gauthier-Fawas had only been laughing with splinters

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