In concert in Paris, Beyoncé and Jay-Z ignited the Stade de France


Beyoncé and Jay-Z, the world's most famous music couple, set the Stade de France on fire this Saturday for the first of two Parisian concerts on their "On the Run II" tour.

Their first Common tour was surrounded by separation rumors. Four years later, Beyoncé and Jay-Z were more united than ever for the first of two Paris concerts of their tour "On the Run II" gigantic show to their glory.

After having invested the Louvre time of a clip (73 million views to date), it is at the Stade de France, north of Paris, that the most famous couple in the world of music settled Saturday (complete ). Sunday, the final of the World Cup will be broadcast before their concert.

For two hours and a half, "the gangster" and "the queen" (19459005) Queen B ") delivered a graphical, bady and pyrotechnic show. Blonde mane and catwalk parade for her, sober costumes and rapper necklace for him, Beyoncé and Jay-Z have egrainé thirty tracks: their tubes in common ( "Bonnie and Clyde" «Crazy in Love …) as well as their personal repertoire, offering the 67,000 spectators pure moments of rap and more R'nB sequences.

Regards complices

Of complicit glances in lascivious dances, the Carter ( their name on the stage) also made this concert a great declaration of love from the moment they entered the scene, where they appeared hand in hand, all dressed in white after an introductory video revealing their intimacy. Holiday pictures, of the couple in bed, with their children, of pregnant Beyoncé (she gave birth to twins in June 2017) tell the story of the duet married since 2008. The inscription «This. Is. Real. Life " (19459005)" It's the real life ") is displayed on a giant screen, a way of reminding both of them to combine private life and artistic life.

Probable wink to a misadventure relayed with force by the press people, the duo arrived on stage by a lift. In the spring of 2014, Jay-Z was violently attacked by Beyoncé's sister, singer Solange, in an elevator, amid persistent rumors of infidelity. On "Lemonade" her solo album in 2016, Beyoncé had confirmed Jay-Z's infidelity. A year later, her husband rapper had apologized in her own album "4:44" .

On stage, it is singing, alone and acoustic, "Resentment Beyoncé lets her heart speak, evoking the lies that damage relationships. A moment of rare emotion in a show that impresses especially by his mastery. The star couple of rap and R'n'B did not forget to mention the condition of blacks in the United States (19459005) "The Story of OJ" for him) and feminist fights ( "Who run the world" for her)

"Forever Young"

But it is to love and to their couple that they came back , ending the concert with a series of duets including a "Forever Young" sung by the Stade de France, a video of them renewing their wedding vows and … a kiss, before leaving again hand in the hand. Jay-Z and Beyoncé went back on the roads early June, in England first. After Nice on July 17, they will continue their tour across the Atlantic before ending up in Canada on October 2.

It was during the tour that they announced the release of the album, "Everything is Love " celebration of their love and success, with the now famous clip " Apeshit " shot in the greatest secrecy in the Louvre. In the video, Beyoncé repeats to the envy "I can not believe we made it" ( "I can not believe that we got there" ).

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