In London, feminists refuse to bathe with transgender


Hampstead Heath Park, located in north-west London, was the scene of such a curious and revealing scene of national tensions in the country the relaxation of the transgender law. The scene takes place during a bbad afternoon late May, as reported "The World". With the heat coming, many Londoners are hurrying around the ponds in the park. To each his own (or almost): women wishing not to bathe in the company of men occupy the "ladies bathing pond", while another remains reserved for men, the third being mixed.

On that day, "women with false beards" came to the middle of the men's lake. Their message is clear: these protesters refuse permission for transgender women to bathe by their side in "their" pond. Asked by the daily, Amy Desir, feminist activist at the head of this protest explains that "their presence changes the atmosphere."

"Women's Pond is a place where women come to swim with their daughters in a men-free environment."
"They must be able to swim in bare bads without facing a person with a penis. "


Opposes the struggles for the rights of transgender people, the expression of a differentialist feminism that tends to naturalize the feminine, emphasizing differences of nature between men and women. the women. Clearly, forget social constructions: a transgender woman would not be a woman.

From Olympe Gouges to the Effronté (e) s, immersed in the feminist galaxy

Already last March, the British newspaper "The Independent "revealed the irruption of a group of women in a pond reserved for men. These actions are part of a national campaign #ManFriday led by these activists, which encourages women to identify themselves as men every Friday to protest against the reform of the flexible procedures to change bad. on his marital status, says the newspaper.

In fact, the 2004 Gender Recognition Act in Britain has already relaxed the procedure: now physical transformation is no longer necessary. It is enough to have lived at least two years as a person of his new gender, to undergo a psychiatric examination and pay 140 pounds to change bad on his marital status. Although the procedures have been relaxed, transgender people still consider these requirements intrusive. They claim to be able to change their civil status by signing a simple declaration, as is already done in Belgium or Portugal.

"Trans women are women"

Wanting to break its reactionary image, the conservative party in the authorities intend to undertake this easing. "Trans women are women, trans men are men," Penny Mordaunt, Minister for Women and Equality, told reporters on Tuesday, resuming the antiphon of LGBT activists. In the wake of this, the government launched a consultation aimed at badessing the impact of such a reform.

For their part, Amy Desir and her feminist supporters, believe that this legislation would allow predatory men to abuse women in single-bad spaces (toilets, night berths, homes, etc.) by identifying themselves as they do. . The activist launched a petition last September, calling for the right of women to be "consulted on how to protect their security and rights as women".

Similarly, these activists fear calling into question the lists of candidates reserved for women for the elections. The Labor has thus attracted the wrath of some of its members by proposing to allow anyone to badert the type of his choice, without the slightest administrative action. Therefore, 300 members opposed to this measure, slammed the door of the party, on May 1st last. In a letter to the "Times", eleven resigned women explained that "it would be enough for any man to call himself a woman to register on a list reserved for women". They add that this "self-identification stinks authority and male supremacy".

The main opponents of the reform of gender recognition are not the defenders of a party a bit reactionary … but feminists who intend to act for the rights of those they consider as "real women ". Proof, if it were still necessary, that the 'intersectionnality of struggles still has long battles to fight.


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