In Nicaragua, the government attacks the strongholds of the protest


Forces loyal to Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega seated their control of Masaya, an opposition stronghold, violently resumed yesterday, drawing the condemnation of the international community.

 Paramilitary forces in Masaya, in Nicaragua, July 18.

The repression is accentuated in Nicaragua on the eve of the 39 e anniversary, Thursday, July 19, of the Sandinista revolution. Armed with badault rifles, police and paramilitaries resumed Tuesday control of the rebel town of Masaya (west), one of the main strongholds of the peaceful protest movement against President Daniel Ortega. The standoff between the government and its opponents has left nearly 300 dead, despite the outcry of the international community.

Hundreds of Nicaraguans fled, Wednesday, July 18, Masaya, a city of 100,000 inhabitants, located in 35 km from the capital, Managua. " The government and its death squads chase the protesters into the homes ," said a resident on condition of anonymity the day after a murderous police operation. The latter targeted the indigenous district of Monimbo, which has become the epicenter of the revolt that has been demanding the departure of Mr. Ortega for three months.

Deadly clashes

Thousands of masked men, armed with Kalashnikovs and M16s, entered Monimbo on Tuesday, firing on opponents who were trying to fight back with mortars or stones. According to the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (Cenidh), which denounced "excessive use of force," the clashes killed at least two people, including one policeman, and dozens wounded. " Since then, all the barricades that we had erected have been removed and the pro-government forces are patrolling ," laments the terrified citizen by phone.

The day before, the government welcomed, in a statement , to have " released " this " historic district, after being kidnapped by terrorists funded by the putschist right ". In the process, images were posted on social networks showing policemen and paramilitaries firing in the air and waving the Red and Black Flag of the Front …

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