In the Deux-Sèvres, a festival to test the board games of tomorrow


"Monopoly is the base! Clémence, Lara, Clément and Joris, 15-year-old teenagers, list the games they enjoy while testing the novelties in the alleys of Parthenay. More than 4,000 free games and toys, 300 animators in the city and nearly 300 creators and publishers are present to discover their products for the 33rd edition of the Flip, Parthenay International Fun Festival, which has opened Wednesday. Nearly 170,000 visitors are expected until July 22 in this northern village of Deux-Sèvres for the pleasure of playing, with family or friends.

Since 1986, this summer meeting has become one of the most must-haves of the genre, with a game almost equal to the International Cannes Games Festival (Alpes-Maritimes) yet dedicated to professionals. Except that Parthenay, the "visi-players" are kings, free to test the games in the street or shops for a time converted into gaming rooms.

Thousands of new products each year

Régis Bonnessée knows something, who discovered the Flip at the age of 5, moving to Parthenay. This thirty has even ended up doing its job! "I published my first game at 22, and put it on free download on the Internet. At the time, it was a first: people could download the pieces to cut, rules … "He has since found the martingale and published in 2008 the game Dixit translated into 30 languages ​​and sold more than 5 million copies throughout the world.

Thousands of games are released each year from now on, "against a handful thirty years ago," explains Régis Bonnessée who comes Parthenay to test its novelties and prototypes, as well as "to relax". "It takes a lot of time to refine a game, confirms this publisher. It's sometimes two to three years of work!

Benoît Forget agrees: "It's a long-term job … And there is no magic recipe! He is responsible for several creative studios and sails between Paris, Bordeaux and Parthenay. "My goal is to find new games to edit, like in the book or comic book business. Benoît Forget used to work for the firefighters: "I wrote games chronicles during the night. And then I started! The Three Little Pigs, his first game, are now translated into 13 languages. A success that this inveterate player intends to reissue: "Atypical, the Flip is also unavoidable. This is the place to be! "

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