Indonesia earthquake: more than 500 hikers stranded in Lombok


Monday, July 30, 560 people were stranded in Lombok (Indonesia) following a landslide caused by the earthquake that hit the island on Sunday.

More than 500 hikers and their guides, many of whom were stranded on Monday July 30 at Mount Rinjani, a popular tourist spot on the island of Lombok, Indonesia, in the aftermath of a powerful earthquake.

Helicopters and rescue teams were deployed to evacuate hikers trapped on Mount Rinjani, a volcano prized by tourists for its hiking sites.

Among them include French, Germans, Dutch, Americans or Thais, according to the authorities

"There are still 560 stranded people" following landslides caused by the magnitude 6.4 earthquake hit the island on Sunday, said the director of Rinjani National Park, Sudiyono, who has only one surname as many Indonesians.

"Five hundred are in the area of ​​Lake Segara Anakan and 60 in Batu Ceper » he said

 Earthquake in Indonesia / AFP

Earthquake in Indonesia / AFP

Relief operations are expected to last until Tuesday

The earthquake made less 16 dead and more than 160 wounded. Hundreds of houses were destroyed, causing scenes of panic, residents and hotel occupants rushed outside.

The tremor was also felt on the small islands of Gili, tourist destinations Lombok and Bali.

According to the evacuation plan of the authorities, relief operations on Mount Rinjani are expected to last until at least Tuesday. In addition to the 560 hikers, hundreds of others were evacuated on Sunday.

Army helicopters dropped food and beverages in several areas of the mountain to supply stranded hikers. [19659003] "For food, they can still survive one or two days" told AFP Agus Hendra Sanjaya, spokesman for the research agency in Mataram. No hiker was injured, he badured.

A powerful earthquake affects Japan

The fall of tons of stones and mud

The earthquake occurred at 50 km northeast of Mataram, the main city of Lombok. This island is located about 100 km to the east of the island of Bali, also very touristy.

Mount Rinjani, which rises to 3726 meters of altitude, is the second volcano of Indonesia and it is very popular for its hiking sites and magnificent views to the summit. The earthquake caused tons of stones and mud to fall, blocking mountain hikers

Mount Rinjani's trails were closed after the earthquake for fear of new landslides. The magnitude 6.4 earthquake was followed by two more strong earthquakes and more than a hundred aftershocks

Peak Volcanic Warning in Bali

"We must remember that our Country is on the Ring of Fire »

Indonesian President Jokowi Widodo visited the affected areas on Monday (July 30th) and pledged financial aid to the people who lost their homes in the disaster.

"We must have in mind that our country is on the ring of fire. People must be ready for any disaster. " Jokowi Widodo

Indonesia, an archipelago of 17,000 islands and islets, is on the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area of ​​high seismic activity . This country is hit by many earthquakes, but most are not dangerous.

In 2004, a tsunami caused by a magnitude 9.3 submarine earthquake off the island of Sumatra, in west of the archipelago, has caused the death of 220 000 people in the countries bordering the Indian Ocean, including 168 000 in Indonesia.

Humanitarians learn from the 2004 tsunami


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