INTERVIEW. Aude, Love is in the pre 2018: "Christopher would probably not have taken the first step"


The sunshine of season 13 has finally made its choice. Between Teddy and Christopher, his heart did not swing long. Aude tells us what made him crack at the road joker.

The show was recorded last spring. What effect does it make to discover on TV?

AUDE: It's very funny. We see what has been kept or not and for the moment, I think it's very faithful to reality. Finally … the only thing I would have liked is that we show the beating that I put them in squash.

Why did you choose Christopher and Teddy, with totally different personalities?

Because I wanted to know more about them. Let's say they challenged me, that I wanted to discover more.

Can one play one's life on a dice?

That's also what's exciting! Because finally, nothing is written. I really wanted to discover people. We spent five days on the farm together. It sounds short, but it's intense. We were together between 6am and sometimes until 2am because we talked a lot.

That's what made you look for Teddy for a moment?

There was a kind of electricity that pbaded between us at the slightest touch. It's true he took me to a place I did not know. With him, it was super cute. I started sentences that he finished. It was very touching. And he was telling things that I wanted to be told.

Christopher looked out of the race and finally, he pulled it off. What charmed you?

The fact that he knows exactly what he wants. So far, I have come across people who do not know what to do with themselves. Christopher, he knew exactly where he wants to go. And then he has this good living side that reboost me and gives me a smile.

Ah, the king of the blagounette …

Oh yes, we had the opportunity to talk about both … The jokes easy, it's good but you have to know how to dose.

You laugh, however, gladly to his jokes, while in your portrait, you dream of talking about philosophy and sociology. Have you given up on this criterion or it has disappeared during editing?

I just realized that there were much more important criteria than this one. With Christopher, we had deeper discussions than can be imagined by looking at the pictures. He has another point of view than mine, other experiences than mine, and it's very interesting to confront them.

There is another criterion that you could have considered is action. You are very enterprising with your contenders!

Not only am I a dark person, but I had only 10 days to meet people. I needed to know what my suitors had in my stomach. And if I had not reached out to Christopher, he would have struggled to take the first step. And if he had not seized the pole, I would never have known if in everyday life he was demonstrative or not. And I need someone demonstrative. I wanted a man who would take me in his arms.

Did you let down your guard then?

Exactly! In my day-to-day life, I am both farmer and head of the family. I take a lot of initiatives. By joining the show, I had decided that the first day of filming, I would just become a woman, the one I was before, and I had not found for three years. From time to time, it's good to let yourself go. Although I can tell you that it was not won!

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