Iran's number one attacks Trump before new sanctions


Ali Khamenei believes that the American president "discredited what was left of the prestige of the United States." On Friday, Donald Trump said he was ready to meet with Iranian leaders to renegotiate an agreement, but he imposed twelve (impossible) conditions beforehand.

In the run-up to Washington's reinstatement of a new set of sanctions against Iran, the Supreme Leader believes that the US president has "discredited" the United States. Ali Khamenei believes that the United States will be the ultimate loser of the policy led by Donald Trump. Six months after slamming the door on the Iranian nuclear deal reached in 2015, the United States has confirmed that it will reinstate its toughest oil and bank sanctions against Tehran on Monday. Only eight countries – which will be known Monday – will be allowed to continue buying Iranian oil for six months.

READ ALSO – Trump summoned to end sanctions against Iran

"This new American president (…) has discredited what was left of the prestige of the United States and democracy," the Iranian guide told his Twitter account of Donald Trump. "The power to coerce the United States, using its economic and military power is also declining," he said. The first person in the Iranian state and the ultimate decision-maker on sensitive issues, Ayatollah Khamenei lambasted American policy. "The dispute between the United States and Iran has lasted 40 years, and the United States has acted against us," he said, denouncing "a military, economic and media war."

According to Ayatollah Khamenei, "In this dispute, the losers are the United States and the winner is the Islamic Republic." The Iranian Foreign Ministry has ruled that US sanctions are a violation of the nuclear agreement and UN resolutions and "a disregard for human, moral and ethical values".

The position of Europeans hailed by Tehran

On the other hand, he welcomed the position of the Europeans "on whom the survival of the agreement depends". The EU plans to create a mechanism to continue buying oil from Iran despite sanctions. In addition to the European Union, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, China and Russia have said they regret the US decision to get out of the nuclear deal.

READ ALSO – Iran: Europeans try to escape US sanctions

Likewise, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered the United States to suspend economic sanctions against Tehran, jeopardizing humanitarian aid and civil aviation. The United Nations judicial body has ordered the United States not to worry about companies trading with Iran in certain sectors that "relate to the importation and purchase of goods necessary for humanitarian purposes" and "To the security of civil aviation," reads the ICJ order. "Medicines and medical equipment", "food and agricultural products" and "spare parts necessary for the safety of civil aviation" should not be subject to the economic sanctions imposed by the United States on Iran affirm the fifteen judges of the International Court of Justice of The Hague.

For its part, "President Donald Trump reimposed the harshest sanctions ever adopted" to bend Iran, announced Friday the White House. Donald Trump explained that "the goal is to force the regime (Iran) to make a clear choice: either abandon its destructive behavior or continue on the path of economic disaster." Donald Trump repeats that he is ready to meet the Iranian leaders to negotiate a comprehensive deal based on 12 US conditions: much more firm and lasting restrictions on nuclear, but also the end of the proliferation of missiles and activities deemed "Destabilizing" Tehran in the Middle East (Syria, Yemen, Lebanon …).

But the Iranians had already said reject a dialogue with Washington. "There will be no negotiations with the United States," Ayatollah Khamenei made clear in August. The dialogue seems to be deadlocked today.

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