Israel evacuates Syrian White Helmets to Jordan


INFOGRAPHICS – Hundreds of rescuers operating in the rebel zone, whose lives were threatened by the Assad regime, were saved

Agree for a punctual rescue operation, but no question of opening the border to thousands of Syrian refugees. Israel applies these precepts to the letter. In the night of Saturday to Sunday, 800 Syrian White Helmets and their families threatened with death by the regime of Bashar al-Assad have transited through the Israeli territory to seek refuge in Jordan.

These rescue volunteers saved thousands of victims bombing of the Syrian army and Russian air force. More than 250 of them have been killed in five years. They gained international notoriety through videos where they are seen extracting, at the risk of their lives, the rubble of houses bombed by the Syrian army and the Russian air force survivors and especially many children.

Ce priesthood is not to the taste of the Syrian President and Moscow, who accuse these embarrbading witnesses of being linked with al-Qaeda.

Encircled by the advance of Bashar al-Assad's army in the south of Syria, their security or even their life was hanging by a thread. At the urging of Americans and Europeans, Benyamin Netanyahu consented to their transit through the Israeli-controlled part of the Golan Heights.

"ALSO READ – Syria: 7 White Helmets Killed in Rebel Zone

The operation was conducted at night in the greatest secrecy. The White Helmets, whose identities have been carefully checked for fear of infiltration by Islamists, were taken on board buses that took them to the Jordan border, where they are now in transit before leaving for United States, Canada and Germany

Operation "Good Neighborhood"

But to put the points on the "i", the Israeli army stressed the "exceptional" character of this "humanitarian" operation. One way to make it clear that this is by no means a precedent likely to give the slightest hope to the thousands of Syrians fleeing the Syrian army installed for some weeks in makeshift camps near the Israeli lines.

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At the beginning of the month, 200 of them tried to approach the dividing line by waving white flags to ask to go to Israel. An officer ordered them with a megaphone to turn back immediately.

Benyamin Netanyahu never misses an opportunity to praise the medical badistance provided by his country since June 2016 to thousands of Syrian wounded cared for in Israeli hospitals. The Israeli army also supplied thousands of tons of food, fuel, medicines, blankets.

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But this Operation "Good Neighbor" was organized on the express condition that the refugees remain in their country. Objective: to prevent Israel from being overwhelmed by an influx of Syrians, as was the case for Jordan, where their number exceeds one million.

Diplomatically, the Prime Minister intends to remain firmly on the political track official "non-intervention" in the Syrian civil war, so as not to displease Vladimir Putin, the strongman of the region. Israel has resigned to see Bashar al-Assad, Moscow's ally, regain control of his country and does not want to create a reason of tension deemed superfluous with the Syrian president, whatever the abuses that his regime may have committed.

The priority is to convince him, as well as the Russian president, to prevent Iran, the enemy number one, from setting up militarily in Syria and thus threaten Israel's security. Refugees give little weight to this catastrophic scenario.

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