Israel has targeted a Syrian warplane in Syria's airspace according to Damascus


Damascus – A Syrian military source on Tuesday accused Israel of firing at a Syrian warplane carrying out operations against jihadists in Syria, with Israel claiming the device was in space Israeli air.

The Syrian regime and its allies on June 19 launched an offensive to retake rebel areas in the provinces of Deraa and Qouneïtra in southern Syria, areas bordering the occupied and annexed part of the Golan Heights by Israel.

The regime's forces managed to take the majority of these territories from the rebels and now encircle an area held by the Islamic State (IS) group close to the Golan.

The Damascus regime has long accused Israel of supporting ISIS and other opposition groups.

" The Israeli enemy confirmed to have adopted armed terrorist groups, and targeted one of our planes that was hitting their positions in the Saïda region (…) in Syrian airspace "said the Syrian military source.

The source, quoted by the Syrian agency Sana, did not say whether the plane had been hit or shot.

Earlier, the Israeli army gave a different version of the incident.

" The Israeli army spotted the Sukhoi-type Syrian aircraft that penetrated two kilometers into Israeli airspace and fired Patriot missiles in its direction ," he said. she said in a statement.

" Since the morning, there has been an escalation of internal fighting in Syria, including an increase in Syrian aviation activities ," the statement said.

" The Israeli army is on alert and will continue to operate against any violation of the 1974 agreement, warned the military, in reference to an agreement on the creation of a demilitarized buffer zone between the two countries, one year after the Israeli-Arab war of 1973.

Neighboring countries, Israel and Syria, however, never concluded a peace treaty.

While being careful not to be drawn into the conflict in Syria, Israel has repeatedly hit that country, particularly against positions of the Damascus regime and its allies.

The Jewish state announced on Sunday that hundreds of White Helmets and their families were evacuated to Jordan at the request of Western countries. These volunteers had become famous for their relief operations in rebel zones bombarded by the regime.

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