Israel will build new homes in a target colony of an attack


Kobar (Palestinian Territories) – Israel announced Friday the construction of hundreds of new homes in a settlement in the occupied West Bank, in response to a Palestinian attack that claimed the life of an Israeli settler.

This announcement comes amid continuing violence in the Gaza Strip, where two Palestinians, including a 12-year-old teenager, were shot dead by the Israeli army on Friday during a demonstration near the border that separates this enclave. Palestinian woman from Israel.

" The best response to terrorism is the strengthening of settlements (…) ," Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman told reporters on Friday that 400 homes were being built. the colony of Adam.

The day before, a 17-year-old Palestinian man had infiltrated this settlement near Ramallah and attacked Israelis with a knife, according to the army. One of them, Yotam Ovadia, 31, succumbed to his injuries in the night and two other Israelis were injured.

One of the three Israelis attacked the Palestinian, Mohammed Dar Youssef, and killed him.

On Friday morning, the Israeli army raided the village of Kobar (west of Ramallah) from where the Palestinian badailant came from, interrogated family members and suspended their work permits.

During the raid, clashes erupted between Palestinians and Israeli forces, an AFP journalist found.

Palestinians threw stones, incendiary bombs and burning tires at soldiers who responded with riot dispersal means, the army said in a statement.

According to Palestinian news agency Wafa, three Palestinians were arrested.

– Attack " barbarian " –

The last Palestinian knife attack in a West Bank settlement dates back to April, when a Palestinian attempted to stab an Israeli with a screwdriver near the colony of Maale Adumim, east of Jerusalem. The badailant, hit by bullets, succumbed the next day.

All Israeli settlements are considered illegal under international law. Many countries and the United Nations consider that these constructions are an obstacle to peace and the creation of a viable Palestinian state coexisting with Israel.

Donald Trump's special envoy for the Middle East, Jason Greenblatt, called on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to condemn Thursday's " barbaric " attack.

Abbas' government, which froze contacts with Washington several months ago because of what it considers to be the pro-Israel bias of the Trump administration, has not responded.

" Terror must be condemned by everyone ," UN special envoy for the Middle East Nickolay Mladenov said on Twitter on Friday. " Such horrible acts serve only (the interests of) those who obstruct peace ".

In recent years, many knife attacks against Israelis have been carried out by Palestinians whom the Israeli authorities describe as " lone wolves ".

– Dead in Gaza –

Thursday's attack came amid recurrent violence between the Israeli army and groups of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, controlled by the Islamist Hamas movement.

A 43-year-old man and a 12-year-old teenager were shot dead Friday in the southern enclave by Israeli gunfire during protests, according to the Gaza Health Ministry that had announced at first that the teenager was 14 years old.

The day before, Hamas's armed wing promised to avenge the deaths of three of its members, killed on Wednesday in Israeli raids carried out in retaliation for firing rockets from the Gaza Strip, which injured an Israeli soldier.

Last week, Hamas announced a ceasefire following an escalation of violence that killed four Palestinians and an Israeli soldier – the first Israeli soldier killed in the area since the Gaza war. in 2014.

At least 156 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of March 30, protests against the Israeli blockade that has lasted for over 10 years and to claim the right of return of Palestinians who have fleeing or being driven from their lands at the creation of Israel in 1948.

In Jerusalem, access to the esplanade of the Mosques in the Old City was closed Friday several hours following clashes between the faithful Palestinians and Israeli police after the prayer, but were reopened Friday night.

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