Israeli missile fire in southwestern Syria


Syrian air defense has repelled an Israeli missile attack in south-west Syria, near the occupied Golan Heights.

Israeli missile fire on Wednesday hit positions of the Syrian army in the southwestern Syria, near the occupied Golan Heights, Syrian state agency SANA announced. "Israeli enemy aircraft launched missiles at various army positions" in southwestern Quneitra Province, causing material damage, according to SANA

" The Israeli enemy's aircraft launched missiles at several army positions " in southwestern Quneitra province, causing material damage, according to SANA. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (OSDH), these missiles hit the north of this province as well as areas along the border with the Golan. "Missile strikes hit the Hadar area in northern Quneitra while others (strikes) hit positions of the regime and its allies near the town of Baath and the village of Jaba village" said the OSDH without reporting casualties

Initially, the SANA agency claimed that Syrian air defense had repelled an Israeli missile attack on army positions in that region. Earlier in the day, the Israeli army said it had intercepted a drone from Syria using a missile defense system, triggering an alert in the Golan Heights, largely occupied and annexed by Israel.

Israel on alert

This was "an unarmed Syrian UAV that appeared to be conducting an intelligence gathering mission" a military spokesman, Jonathan Conricus, said. The Israeli police have also asked all boats on Lake Tiberias, close to this region, not to sail for security reasons.

In recent weeks, Israel is on alert, following the offensive launched on 19 June by Bashar al-Assad and his allies to retake rebel areas in the province of Deraa in southern Syria. The Israeli army announced at the beginning of July that it had reinforced its troops on the Israeli side of the occupied and annexed Golan Heights.

Israel repeatedly struck Syrian territory, in particular against convoys of weapons intended, according to him, to Lebanese Hezbollah, ally of the Syrian regime and enemy of the Jewish state. Israel and Syria are in a state of war. Israel seized most of the Syrian Golan Heights in 1967, which it annexed in 1981. This annexation has never been recognized by the international community.

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