Ivory Coast: Aboudramane Sangaré, faithful of Laurent Gbagbo, has died


In Ivory Coast, Aboudramane Sangaré, interim president of the dissenting fringe of the Ivorian Popular Front, died Saturday (November 3rd) in Abidjan. This faithful of Laurent Gbagbo had entered the hospital in a serious state 15 days ago. He was suffering from cancer. He who was sometimes nicknamed the "guardian of the temple" embodied the tough fringe of the FPI, today in opposition to President Ouattara.

This is another blow for the Ivorian Popular Front. Ten days after the disappearance of the former director general of the autonomous port of Abidjan, Marcel Gossio, it is another pillar of the regime of Laurent Gbagbo who goes away. The one we nicknamed " the guardian of the temple " Sangaré Aboudramane, was the historical companion of Laurent Gbagbo. A half-century friendship that has endured even after the fall and incarceration at the International Criminal Court (ICC) of the former head of state.

Hospitalized two weeks ago at the Hôtel Dieu in Abidjan, Aboudramane Sangaré died at the age of 72. With this disappearance, the FPI lost one of its most respected figures and the Gbagbo clan a powerful ally who continued to mobilize militants in the country.

A friendship until death

Since their meeting on the benches of the University of Abidjan in 1970, the discreet Aboudramane Sangare will always remained on the side and sometimes in the shadow of Laurent Gbagbo. The two men are in politics in opposition to the regime of Felix Houphouet-Boigny, which will earn them a first time in prison in 1971.

Doctor in law, Aboudramane Sangaré participates in 1982 with Laurent and Simone Gbagbo among others, in the foundation in the clandestinity of the future REIT which really saw the day in 1988 and of which he is naturally a founding member. If the party is recognized in 1990, Sangaré will make new stays in prison in 1994 and 1995 for attacking President Henri Konan Bédié.

In 2000, Gbagbo presided over the appointment of Minister of Foreign Affairs, a position he held for two years. Sangaré leaves the government but the friendship with the Gbagbo couple does not weaken. He is with them, on April 11, 2011, during their arrest in Abidjan. Fourth stay behind bars for Sangaré Aboudramane released two years later.

When in the years following the FPI implodes, Sangaré takes the head of the line "Gbagbo or nothing". He advocates boycott of all elections until the return of the former president imprisoned at the ICC in The Hague. The leader of the opposition party, who believed that his mentor was the hostage of the ICC, took the lead of a dissident group within the political party with, for the main purpose, the release of Laurent Gbagbo before consider any reconquest of power. This faction extremist FPI continues to attack Albadane Ouattara, current head of state, she considers authoritarian and undemocratic.

Three months ago, when she was released from prison, Simone Gbagbo paid tribute to the woman she described on Saturday when she announced her death. of everyday friend ".

Until his last breath, Aboudramane Sangare remained close and the fervent guardian of the Gbagbo temple.

Tribute to the FPI

In a statement signed by the party's secretary general, Assoa Adou, the Ivorian Popular Front salutes the memory of Aboudramane Sangaré, first vice-president and interim president of the FPI.

" In this painful circumstance, President Laurent Gbagbo and the leadership of the party bow and greet with deference the memory of the illustrious disappeared. They extend their deepest condolences to the biological and political families of Comrade Sangaré as well as to all of Côte d'Ivoire "Can we read.

" President Laurent Gbagbo calls the FPI activists and the entire Ivorian people to an exemplary mobilization for a deserved tribute to this worthy son of Côte d'Ivoire. President Laurent Gbagbo informs, at the same time, that the political activities of the FPI are suspended until the end of the funeral ", The statement concludes.

Justin Koua, the FPI spokesperson, also paid tribute to him.



The Speaker of the National Assembly, Guillaume Soro, also offered his condolences.

Ivory Coast is losing one of its bravest sons.

I offer my sincere condolences to his biological family and to the political family of the Ivorian Popular Front.#CIV #RIPSangare

Guillaume K. Soro (@SOROKGUILLAUME) November 3, 2018

"An extremely honest man"

Former Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo learned of the death of Aboudramane Sangare from Scheveningen Prison where he is currently being held. Joined by RFI, Bernard Houdin, adviser to Laurent Gbagbo, will keep in mind the image of a man of integrity and attached to his party.

An extremely honest man, very attached to preserving the interest of the party, listening. […] Since the FPI entered politics, the difficulties have never failed and it was the kind of people who do honor to politics, to Ivorian politics, especially in the current decor of Ivorian political life.

Bernard Houdin

– By
Pierre Firtion

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