Japan: Ex-Aum guru sentenced to death for sarin gas attack


Tokyo – Former Aumist guru Shoko Asahara, sentenced to death for his responsibility for the sarin gas attack on the Tokyo Metro in March 1995, was executed on Friday morning, the door was announced. – Government's speech.

Several other members were also hanged on Friday morning or will be hanged, according to Japanese media. The Ministry of Justice did not immediately confirm this information about other executions given by Japanese television and news agencies.

This is the first time that the execution of one or more ex-members of the Aum Vérité Suprême cult has been announced.

The likelihood of execution of the ex-Aum sect members who had been convicted had increased in recent times with the displacement of several of them.

Shoko Asahara (whose real name was Chizuo Matsumoto) had been sentenced to death sentence years ago and had been waiting on death row for 12 accomplices involved in the sarin bombing that had taken place. killed 13 people and caused various ailments, sometimes irreversible, to 6,300 others.

Some 190 other members of the sect were also sentenced to various sentences in this attack, the worst in Japan.

On March 20, 1995, according to a very thoughtful process, several members of the occult organization Aum Supreme Truth, created by Shoko Asahara, spread sarin gas in metro trains converging on the administrative heart of the capital.

They had deposited plastic bags filled with sarin gas in five trains of the Tokyo subway. Pierced by umbrella tips, the bags released the poison.

– 23 years of waiting –

No one understood immediately what was happening at this early hour, during the peak period, as many pbadengers came out suffocating, without seeing anything, various subway gates lines concerned.

Sometime before, during a sort of reoccurrence of the effects of this gas, seven people had been killed in the central city of Matsumoto, in the center of the country, and 600 others had suffered various evils, sometimes definitive.

In December 1999, the Aum cult officially recognized for the first time its responsibility for the Tokyo and Matsumoto metro bombings. She then apologized.

The first capital punishment for the 1995 bombing was pronounced in September 1999.

On Friday, family members of the victims reacted:

" It took 23 years since the bombing for this sanction to be executed, unfortunately, the parents of my husband, killed in the attack, died before ", lamented for the public channel NHK Shizue Takahashi, the wife of a station employee died in the attack and president of a victims' badociation.

Japanese law specifies that death row prisoners must be executed within six months of the confirmation of their sentence, but in practice they often remain on death row for years.

The sect was able to produce in a laboratory large quantities of sarin gas, a deadly product created by scientists under the Nazi regime in Germany in the late 1930s.

Before the bombing of the metro Tokyo, which deeply shocked the country and left a legacy, Japan watched with a fascination mixed with anxiety to germinate and grow Aum in the 1980s and 1990s. The sect attracted up to 10,000 followers.

Mystic leader Asahara went from television to campaign campaign podiums to capture the attention of citizens, including young high-flying scientists, doctors, lawyers and other elite individuals.

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