Jazz and Laurent (The Villa) married? "As a matter of fact…"


Jazz and Laurent made a surprise announcement during their interview for our confreres of Public . Asked about a possible marriage, the lovebirds – back on July 16 in The Villa, the Battle of the Couples (TFX) – revealed … that they had united in the greatest secrecy.

" To be honest, we were married a few days ago in complete privacy, with our parents and Chelsea, it was magical ," said the beautiful brunette. And her husband adds: " We are going to have a big party in France with our friends in September, but since we live in Dubai, we could not get married here. "

The couple has in fact moved to Dubai after being attacked at home last April. An event they also mentioned. " It was 8:30 pm, I had just had Chelsea dinner, I was in bed with her, Laurent was in the living room when I heard him screaming, very quickly, a man came into the room, sprinkled Chelsea and I tear gas, then dragged us into the living room, and they started beating Laurent by forcing me to look in. I thought they were going to kill him by banging him and breaking things on him. (…) They had so much hatred that they stabbed him in the foot ", said the mother of Chelsea (born December 12, 2017).

The entirety of the Interview of Jazz and Laurent is to be found in the magazine Public of July 13, 2018.

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