Jean-Louis Trintignant stops his career: "cinema is over"


"The cinema is over", announces after half a century of career actor Jean-Louis Trintignant, a monument of French cinema, in an interview broadcast Thursday on the website of Nice-Matin.

The 87-year-old filmmaker, who suffers from prostate cancer, says he refused to shoot in a future film by Bruno Dumont: "It was interesting but I was afraid of not getting there physically ", he reports.

"I do not move any more alone, I always need to have someone near me to say to me + Attention, you will break your mouth +", adds the actor to the 160 roles in the cinema and in the theater, whose last appearance in obscure theater dates back to "Happy End" by Michael Haneke in 2017.

A mythical actor of French cinema

Faced with cancer, "I do not fight, I let it go. I found a doctor from Marseille who tries a new thing, I do not do chemo, even if I was ready, "adds the one who has been haunted since 2003 by the death of his daughter Marie under the blows of his companion, singer Bertrand Cantat.

Interviewed for the release of a recording of poetry readings (Prévert, Vian, Apollinaire …) on a music by Astor Piazzolla performed by accordionist Daniel Mille, the actor living near Uzès (Gard ) also states that it was "not made for a public profession". "I was extremely shy, and the notoriety never interested me, you know, it's fun the first time, but after all at all, why are we given rewards, we're already well paid, we'd better give Oscars to people who do not funny trades. "

Entered the history of cinema with" A man and a woman "by Claude Lelouch – Palme d'Or at Cannes in 1966 -, Jean-Louis Trintignant won an interpretation prize in Cannes for "Z" by Costa Gravas in 1969, and a César for Best Actor for "Love" by Michael Haneke in 2013.

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