Jérôme Cahuzac recruited temporarily to Cayenne Hospital


Ineligible for five years and fined 300,000 euros, the former minister resumed his medical activities in Guyana.

 Former Minister Jerome Cahuzac leaving the Paris Court of Appeal, September 5, 2016

The hospital of Cayenne has chosen a doctor at least unusual: Jérôme Cahuzac, former Minister of Economy and Finance under François Hollande, convicted of tax fraud and laundering tax evasion.

For a month as a contractor, he will work as a general practitioner in the Andrée-Rosemon hospital, located in Camopi commune. Mr. Cahuzac went aboard a canoe in this isolated village of 1,700 inhabitants in south-east Guyana, between river and forest on the border of Brazil. "He had already resumed his medical activity", told Agence France-Presse the communication department of the hospital, adding that "he is registered with the order of doctors

The question of the adjustment of sentence

The Criminal Court handed down a three-year sentence of first instance in December 2016 to punish, in the words of the judgment, a " criminal fault of a rare and exceptional gravity, destructive of the social bond and the confidence of the citizens in the institutions of the State and its representatives ". The former minister appealed in the hope of receiving a sentence that would allow him not to go through the prison cell.

Discover our step-by-step summary:
          The Cahuzac affair in 15 dates

On May 15, the Paris Court of Appeal sentenced Jérôme Cahuzac to four years' imprisonment, two of which were suspended, symbolically aggravating the sentence. However, the Code of Criminal Procedure allows anyone sentenced to two years or less of imprisonment to benefit from a sentence adjustment. The appellate judges refused the former minister an adjustment ab initio – upon sentencing – that is to say, they returned the responsibility to a judge of application of penalties. The latter will decide in a few months during an in camera hearing. Question mark therefore, on the effectiveness of the development of the sentence of the person to date.

Also read our decryption:
          Tax fraud: Jérôme Cahuzac sentenced to four years in prison, two suspended

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