Jim Carrey signs a portrait of Donald Trump with explosives in his mouth


The actor The Mask shared on Twitter a caricature of the President of the United States, a bomb in his mouth. According to him, he encouraged by his hate speech, the person who hides behind sending parcel bombs to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Robert De Niro.

Ten suspicious packages to ten personalities openly opposed to Donald Trump. The United States has been shaken this week by sending explosive devices to former President Barack Obama, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, or actor Robert De Niro. The secret services and the police of New York intercepted them one by one.

READ ALSO – Robert De Niro and Donald Trump, two years of public detestation

According to Jim Carrey, this is not a coincidence. The star of The Mask published on October 24 on Twitter his new caricature portrait of Donald Trump. Drawing is one of the hidden talents of the comedian. "Today, they tried to badbadinate two presidents, as well as elected officials and journalists," he wrote. Make no mistake, these terrorists were encouraged and emboldened by Donald Trump's hate speech. If you do not see the threat of this man's influence now, it means you're part of it. "

Today they are trying to kill two Presidents as well as public servants and journalists. Make no mistake, these terrorists were encouraged and emboldened by the hate speech of Donald Trump. If you can not see the clear threat of this man's influence then you are a part of it. pic.twitter.com/L7kYcpcPKO

– Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) October 24, 2018

The work of Jim Carrey, which accompanies his committed message, leaves only the open mouth of Donald Trump. In it, there is a bomb ready to explode. A strong symbol for the comedian, who wants to show that the president's speeches are as dangerous as explosives. Its publication has been liked more than 87,000 times and has more than 5300 comments.

"This monster is out of control"

Jim Carrey uses his Twitter account – eighteen million subscribers – to promote his political drawings. On September 26, he shared a sketch of Donald Trump in Godzilla, destroying the White House dome in front of frantic citizens. Under this work, called Greedzillahe wrote, "This monster is out of control. Vote for your lives. "

Donald Trump as a witch burning at the stake, Donald Trump as a crooked vampire, Donald Trump as a Roman crucify Christ, Donald Trump as a Joker … Jim Carrey does not hesitate to represent the former real estate mogul in incongruous situations .

The actor spoke of his need to caricaturize Donald Trump in an interview with USA Today on September 9th. It started in 2016, following the presidential election. Since then, he has nearly 150. "They just keep coming. They arrive without stopping. Some concerns come to me and others appear after the information, "he explains.

"Ignore Donald Trump for a week and we will already be at war with North Korea"

Jim Carrey

READ ALSO – Jim Carrey as a sad clown in Kidding

Although his drawings are sometimes controversial on Twitter, Jim Carrey has never received a response from the first person. "It's a narcissist. (…) He could love that because it speaks of him, he says ironically. When people say that Trump is a narcissist and so we should ignore him: I say no. Ignore Donald Trump for a week and we will already be at war with North Korea. "

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