Karine Ferri mom: the tender message of her friend Nikos Aliagas


This Monday, July 16th, Karine Ferri became a mother for the second time. His friend, Nikos Aliagas, sent him a congratulatory message full of tenderness.

Births have been linked for a few months. After Kate Middleton and her Prince Louis, Sylvie Tellier, Caroline Receveur or Maya Lauqué, it's Karine Ferri's turn to nurse. At 36, she has everything to be happy. While she should co-animate the next season of Dance with the stars with Camille Combal, the pretty animator has just expanded her family. Already mother of an adorable little Mael, Karine Ferri gave birth on Monday, July 16th to her second child. The companion of footballer Yoann Gourcuff thus qualified as " mother filled " and " very happy ". A happiness shared by his great friend Nikos Aliagas.

Himself father of two small pieces of cabbage, the host of TF1 was keen to send an adorable message to Karine Ferri. " Congratulations Karine. May all the good fairies of the world accompany you kisses to you four ", wrote on his Twitter account who could have watched over his friend during her pregnancy. Between them, it's a friendship that lasts. The two animators met thanks to Grégory Lemarchal – for whom they regularly have upsetting thoughts.

" I immediately hooked up with Karine on his relationship with Grégory Lemarchal told us about Nikos Aliagas. This boy was my little brother and she is faithful to the family. It is an important part of his life ". More than eleven years after the death of Grégory Lemarchal, Karine Ferri and Nikos Aliagas are still close from each other.

Nikos Aliagas does not miss an opportunity to say all the good he thinks of the young mother. " He is someone of both fragile and strong . But since she's a mom, she's less freaked in front of the camera. She succeeds in better understanding her image. Karine is both the good friend with whom you can drink a beer the femme fatale and now the mother "he explained with humor and tenderness.

Congratulations @karineferri
May all the good fairies in the world accompany you,
Kisses to you 4.

Karine Ferri becomes a mother for the second time (photo) https: // t. co / SkEZ7oMLRZ

– Nikos Aliagas (@nikosaliagas) July 17, 2018

Photo Credits: Bestimage

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