Kevin (Do not forget the lyrics): Nagui had to cancel shows because of his condition


He left with a pot of € 410,000 and the title of champion Do not forget the lyrics. But during his reign, Kevin almost fainted …

After 43 consecutive wins, Kevin eventually forgot the lyrics. And although he has accumulated fewer entries than Hervé – 44, in 2016 – he becomes the reigning champion of the Nagui show that takes into account the cumulative gains. With nearly € 410,000, the candidate-singer plans to finance his future while helping his neighbor. "I have a big rent in the United States, ," he explained at 20 minutes . It will help me financially. I might buy a studio in Paris and rent it to pay my rent in Berkeley in part. " Finishing his doctorate in America, he also plans to offer food to the homeless in San Francisco. Words in mind, heart on hand

But as we learned recently, the young student might not have known such a beautiful destiny. Suffering from suffering related to his diet, Kevin had to fight against violent nausea as he tried to explode the records of the show of France 2. " I always ate the same thing, namely raw fish , detailed the student with our colleagues of Télé Loisirs . One day, I noticed that he had a different taste … So, I wondered if I had not made a food poisoning. It was either that or the stress. "Torn by pain, the 25-year-old has fortunately been treated with great respect."

>>> VIDEO Kevin champion of Remember the words almost never participated in the show

that digestion was difficult, Kévin Benac answered present on the set of Do not forget the words . A decision that Nagui preferred to soften to preserve his foal. In the columns of Parisien we thus discover that the presenter would have given him " drugs" to relieve spasms : "He brought me Coke, we had long breaks and when it was better, we started again ". " Nagui even canceled the last two shows of the day ," he adds to Télé Star. Everything ended well … until he stumbled on La Madrague against Nastbadja. And it's sad, when we think about the season, the sun and the songs.

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