Kim Dotcom, founder of Megaupload, may be extradited to the United States


The New Zealand Court of Appeal ruled on Thursday that Kim Dotcom could be extradited to the United States, where he faces 20 years in prison. The 44-year-old German resident of Auckland is accused of orchestrating large-scale online looting through, his iconic download platform.

New Zealand Court of Appeal settles Thursday that Kim Dotcom could be extradited to the United States, where he faces 20 years in prison, a serious setback for the flamboyant German founder of, accused by the American justice of mbadive piracy on the internet.

Lawyers the defense had appealed a previous similar decision against Kim Dotcom, his real name Kim Schmitz, as well as three of his colleagues. " The evidence provided by the United States clearly shows (…) that the appellants (Ed, Kim Dotcom and the other accused) conspired and deliberately violated the copyrights on a large scale to commercial gains " said the court in a statement

Large-scale looting

The case erupted in January 2012 when New Zealand police conducted a spectacular morning raid on" Dotcom Mansion " , the sumptuous property in Auckland of Kim Dotcom. The US Department of Justice and the FBI accuse the 44-year-old German citizen of orchestrating online looting on a large scale thanks to, his iconic direct download platform, which was closed by US justice day of the raid

Kim Dotcom and three former Megaupload veterans –Finn Batato, Mathias Ortmann and Bram van der Kolk– had suffered in February 2017 another setback of the New Zealand justice, which had confirmed a judgment of trial extradition in 2015. Kim Dotcom and his colleagues are accused by the FBI of taking $ 175 million in profits from their business and causing more than half a billion dollars in losses to rights holders music, movies and other pirated products.

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