Kylian Mbappé denies rumors about his private life


World Champion Kylian Mbappé sets the record straight. A celebrity magazine on Thursday suggested that the French and Paris Saint-Germain striker could be in a relationship with former Miss France Alicia Aylies or Camille Gottlieb, Stephanie of Monaco's youngest daughter.

The star footballer himself published the disclaimer in a story on his Instagram account, against a backdrop of the latest issue of the magazine Public, which claimed to say "The truth about the woman of his life." "Lying is a bad thing," he says.

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<p><i> Kylian Mbappé's Denial on Instagram/@k.mbappe29 [19659005] Responses from Camille Gottlieb and Alicia Aylies </h2>
<p> A little earlier, it was Camille Gottlieb herself who had denied the rumor that riled during the 2018 World Cup, thanks to an old photo. Stéphanie de Monaco and her former bodyguard Jean-Raymond Gottlieb was responding to her many Instagram subscribers who asked her if she is actually in a relationship with the 19-year-old former AS Monaco player. answered with a simple "NO". </p>
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<p><i> The multiple denials of Camille Gottlieb / @ camillerosegottlieb </i></p>
<p> She then added this second message more detailed: "Stop, it's used !! I can not take a photo with anyone without formalizing a relationship with or other style stuff. The photo is from last year, are you going to recover or …? Leave me alone with this, thank you. </p>
<p> As for Alicia Aylies, she had already answered a little earlier, still in Instagram story. On July 2, during the World Cup, Miss France 2017 wrote: "I have no official statement to make about my private life! So we will all be content with what I say or post on social networks. She had just attended the match France-Argentina, June 30 last. Since then, she went to Moscow for the final of July 15th alongside other former Miss France: Camille Cerf, Iris Mittenaere and Maeva Coucke. </p>
<p> <b> ALSO READ> </b> Neymar: "Mbappé is a phenomenon "</p>
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