Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott: Stormi, their meeting, the Kardashian phenomenon … They say it all!


An interview with an open heart! Yes meltynauts, if you always dreamed to know more about the parents of Stormi then you are likely to be filled since the two lovers have confided as never before . While Kylie Jenner seemed to be transformed by motherhood, it was during an interview with GQ magazine that the couple came back to all the strong moments they had lived for almost a year. First on their meeting because if neither of them remembers precisely the moment that changed everything, their eyes met for the first time at the Coachella Festival. Immediately on the same wavelength, the young woman did not hesitate a single second to follow him on his tour: "I jumped straight on the bus and we drove until sunset and I stayed with him all the way through his tour. "

But how did his family react to this news? " My whole family knows very well that I would always do what I want to do I have always been like that and I am not the orders of anyone, we had very difficult moments but it was also very authentic. " Travis Scott came back on the arrival of Stormi: "It was crazy, I was there from beginning to end even during his epidural and it was really crazy." And when the magazine asked him what he thought about the curse of clan women who tended to be fooled constantly as was the case with Scott Disick or Lamar Odom he did not look worried: "I'm not like them. I do not look at anyone else because Kylie loves me for who I am. I'm in my own bubble and Kylie is different from the others. "

 Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott: Stormi, their meeting, the Kardashian phenomenon ... They say it all!

According to Kylie Jenner, it's not easy for the men in their lives to handle such a level of celebrity because if the Kardashian / Jenner were born with it, it's a real shock to those who end up sharing their existence: "They enter our lives and then they can not handle it. " Tabloids tend to let nothing and invent the worst rumors: " I do not think Travis likes it, but he likes it because that we love each other and have a family. Obviously, he does not like attention and that's why we do everything to keep our relationship as private as possible. If he has planned events, I will not come. This is his thing! I want him to continue. I want him to stay himself. If people never see us together again, it suits me . " In the meantime, Kim Kardashian defended Kylie Jenner.

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