Laurent Lafitte on the run in "Paul Sanchez is back!"


The various facts continue to inspire the cinema: in "Paul Sanchez is back!", Polar of Patricia Mazuy ("Sport of Girls", "Travolta and Me"), Laurent Lafitte is a criminal on the run, tracked by a young stubborn policeman

Report: C. Airaud / S. Gorny / A. Zouioueche / E. Piquereau / N. Lachaud

" A film about how a fantasy a news item "

In Arcs-sur-Argent (Var), Paul Sanchez, criminal disappeared for ten years after killing his entire family, was seen at the station. Marion (Zita Hanrot), a young gendarme, believes in it and decides to find her trace. If by its subject, the film is immediately reminiscent of the case of Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès – suspected of killing his wife and four children in 2011, and not found since – the director, it is rather an archetype. [19659006"PaulSanchezitisDupontdeLigonnèsitis(Yves)Godard(doctordisappearedin1999withhisfamilyed)itis(Jean-Claude)Romand(whomurderedhiswifehischildrenandhisparentsin1993afterhavingliedtothemforyears)Simplythisisnotthestoryofanewsitemitisthestoryofhowitbecomesakindofcollectiveprojection"heexplainsshetoAFP

For her, "Paul Sanchez is back!" is "a film that works the way we fantasize about a news item", with "the kind of voracity that there can sometimes be in life to read the news items in the newspapers, or to watch."

"Enter the Accused"

Punctuated by music by former Velvet Underground member John Cale, this human-hunting story around the Rocher de Roquebrune sometimes looks like a western. It is embellished with a touch of burlesque in the description of the gendarmerie and the character of Marion, "who would like to be at the GIGN and train at night", or this criminal in full improvisation, played by Laurent Lafitte. The 44-year-old actor, seen in "Papa or Mama" as well as at the Comédie-Française, had to "be as beautiful as a Cary Grant and as naze as a third role in a B movie" the filmmaker. "We have the impression that everything is a little wobbly, it's not a professional criminal, it improvises as and when," adds the comedian.

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