Lio denies fighting with Pamela Anderson


Lio was eliminated last week from "Dance with the stars". – © LAURENT VU / TF1

The brunettes do not count for plums. Party last week of Dance with the starsLio wanted to put the points on the i regarding his elimination. As the site explains, some rumors ensured that the singer had come to blows with her competitor Pamela Anderson, reproaching her for having obtained a week of reprieve from production due to her injuries.

"I wanted to throw up"

"Lio will not revisit the untruths that have been circulating for several days regarding his participation in the program Dance with the starssaid Ludovic Martin, his manager. It is still laughable to fight him with Pamela Anderson who was not present. " The press release also talks about rumors about the early programming of the singer's departure from the show. "On the other hand, Lio will not let anyone say that his departure from DALS was programmed. It's about his integrity and that of his dance partner Christian Millette. "

A partner with whom Lio had a hard time letting go. "From our first exchanges, I had that he had a brain connected with his heart and a great outfit, which is good considering that I am a great emotional, explained the singer at We started to dance and when there was a rapprochement, I felt like throwing up. I realized that I was no longer able to be close to a partner. I'm so used to being alone, holding on, talking about bananas and saying I'm not one of them. Being two, I do not know anymore and I understand why my children find me bitchy. It's not an emotion to dance, but a feeling. "

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