Luc Besson: new testimonies of women who have suffered sexual violence overwhelm the director – News Ciné


After the two complaints of rape filed against Luc Besson by actress Sand Van Roy, a survey of Mediapart reveals the stories of several women who have been victims of badual behavior condemned by the director.


On May 18th, then on July 6th, the actress Sand Van Roy, seen in Valérian then in Taxi 5, lodged a complaint against Luc Besson for rape. The actress told the police that between March 2016 and May 2018, they suffered unwanted badual relations and "violent" sometimes "until the blood" in order to avoid to be "blacklisted" films of the French director. "Luke never asks to sleep to have a role" but he "makes it clear that it is necessary to sleep not to lose the role." [19659004] Mediapart who conducted a survey over the last few months, collected the stories of several women recounting their sometimes traumatic experiences with the filmmaker, who would have had many abusive badual behaviors.

An actress , who wished to remain anonymous, said he first met the filmmaker in a hotel room in Los Angeles, a meeting during which he would have been charming, so she would have agreed to see him again in his office in Paris. It was then that he would have thrown herself on her: "(…) my only way out is to throw myself to the ground. And that I really remember very well, because I dropped on the floor and on all fours to the door to get up and run out. "

Luc Besson accused of rape, his lawyer denies

Another woman who worked on the director's film casting from 2000 to 2005, says that the complaint filed by Sand Van Roy encouraged her to act: "I thought to myself: 'Finally , someone is talking, go, I'm going too. '" She just wrote to the public prosecutor to denounce his actions, " to recount what [elle a] was both a witness and victim ":

" Frequently, Luc Besson asked me, in the presence of the technician, to give him a blowjob, which I systematically refused. (…) He also took me on his knees ( …) Every time we took the elevator together, he kissed me by force, putting his tongue in his mouth, and although I push him, he took me in his arms and touched me the bads and bad. "

A EuropaCorp employee says that she has been forcibly kissed and harbaded touching: "He hears when we say 'no' but it will not be sustainable because it will start again. Each time, he tries to climb new levels. "

" Luke never asks to sleep to have a role, he makes it clear that it is necessary to sleep so as not to lose the role. "

These three women wished to remain anonymous. Their word is corroborated by that of their relatives.

Mediapart has collected other testimonies, in the entourage of the director, of collaborators who claim to have never witnessed gestures or inappropriate behaviors, describing the filmmaker as very "tactile" "Teddy bear" and "paternalistic" . The lawyer of Luc Besson did not wish to comment, the investigation being "in progress" : "Mr. Besson reserves his answers to the investigators with whom he made himself available so that its innocence is demonstrated. "

Actresses behind the #MeToo movement, like Rose McGowan or Asia Argento, chose to support Sand Van Roy.

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