Maeva (Les Marseillais), "deformed" by an incident, she recounts her ordeal


On Snapchat, Maeva (Les Marseillais) explained to her fans that she had a misadventure that disfigured her.

Nothing goes well for Maeva. The young woman has just returned from shooting the Marseillais vs the rest of the world 3, visibly eliminated by his team. And if that was not enough, Maeva experienced an unfortunate incident when he returned to Marseille. When she returned home, the young woman found her dog. Except that he seemed a little too happy to find his mistress … Indeed, the animal disfigured Maeva . The mouth with blood (from which hyaluronic acid has flowed) and puffy eyes, the young woman explained this incident to her fans.

"I happened something crazy! explained Maeva on his Snapchat account I am at the end of my life My dog ​​bit my lip and there is all my hyaluronic acid coming out! I have a lot of holes, I'm going to the hospital, it hurts too much, I've lost a lot of blood. " Her dog has ruined the aesthetic surgery of the young woman from Marseille. But her admirers did not give her the support she surely expected.

After the broadcast of this video, Maeva was indeed the target of mockery and other criticism from Internet users. "jpp laugh but she is serious this girl.The worst is what has 21 pigs lol I'm shocked", "It's not that your lip deform ptdr", "She has money she will be able to arrange his "," Euuuh if not we can have news of the dog? Nobody asks but the poor had to swallow uronic acid " can we read in particular

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