"Mamma mia! : Here we go again ", chase kitsch, he returns to gallop – Cinema


The daughter of Donna, heroine of the first episode performed by Meryl Streep, is about to realize her mother's dream. Alas, the fate gets involved … A suite, less tearful but just as melodic, full of ABBA tubes and sequins, theatrical July 25.

The star of the first episode was Meryl Streep, aka Donna. That of Here we go again is the daughter of Meryl Streep (Amanda Seyfried) who is about to open the dream paradise dreamed by her mother. And Meryl Streep young (Lily James) who meets successively the three possible fathers of his future daughter …. And Meryl Streep, in all that? As Donna is dead (we do not play the spoilers by revealing the awful news, it's said at the beginning), she appears on pictures and, at the end, as a benevolent ghost … The unfortunate director, he juggles as it can (not well) with these stories, made even more heavy by the obligation to include some minor songs of the ABBA group (plus some indispensable "tubes", all the same!)

Funny adventure, when you think about it. Eurovision Prize 1974 with their celebrity Waterloo, the two ambitious of the quartet (the very hairy Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus) concoct, on the eve of the year 2000, a musical comedy which resumes, on a plot who holds on a sheet of cigarette paper, their most famous songs. Total triumph in theaters around the world, the "musical" is brought to the screen by Phyllida Lloyd, in 2008. An American critic admits having seen only a few images of the film: the rest of the time, he writes, "I stubbornly watched my shoes as I was ashamed for the director and the actors". But why talk cinema in this sinister story? It was simply to find millions of quadragenarians their adolescent emotions …
The cinema is still absent in this suite not unpleasant, extremely tearful and much less kitsch than the original. Who returns in force, all the same, with the meeting, bewildering, of Cher, the skin pulled like a drum, and of Andy Garcia, belly in front, which interpret both Fernando. Great moment of dinguerie! … And the end credits where all meet – the living and the dead, the young and the old, the stars and their linings – is worth its weight in glitter, rhinestones and ridiculous badumed.

 we like a little "height =" 40 "src =" https://www.telerama.com/sites/tr_master/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/3.png "title =" we love a little "width =" 40 "/> <strong> Mamma mia !: Here we go again </strong> | Country: United States | Year: 2018 | Scenarists: Ol Parker | Actors: Meryl Streep (Donna), Amanda Seyfried (Sophie), Colin Firth (Harry), Pierce Brosnan (Sam), Stellan Skarsgard (Bill), Dominic Cooper (Sky), Lily James (Young Donna), Andy Garcia (Fernando). </p>
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