Matteo Salvini did not appreciate the break with the Kardashian that reserved for him his companion


ITALY – "By education, character and respect, I have never spread my private life and I will not start doing it now". Matteo Salvini did not appreciate that his ex-girlfriend Elisa Isoardi announced their break on his Instagram account. The Italian TV host has posted a note on social media to the attention of the Italian Minister of the Interior accompanied by an intimate photo of their couple. An initiative that has remained across his throat and to which he responded rather dryly.

"It's not what we gave each other that I will miss, but what we could have given us again, with immense respect for the real love it was, thank you Matteo," wrote Monday 5 November, the presenter of the Rai 1 in caption of a photo where we see in a bed with Matteo Salvini, the latter naked, both cuddling upside down.

The Minister of the Interior obviously did not appreciate that his ex-girlfriend washes their dirty laundry in public. He responded to this message via his Facebook and Twitter accounts, so a little dry.

"By education, character and respect, I have never spread my private life and I will not start doing it now, it does not interest the Italians, I loved, I forgave, I surely made mistakes but I believed until the end. "Too bad, someone had other priorities." Good life ", he said in a caption of a photo where we see him smile with his arms wide open .

Impregnativa giornata di lavoro in Africa sul fronte immigrazione e sicurezza, my he telefono dall'Italia mi squilla per altro …

– Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) November 5, 2018

A break worthy of Kardashian.

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