Meghan Markle: The fiancee of his brother Thomas arrested and imprisoned


Duchess Meghan of Susbad is not really spoiled … When it is not her father Thomas Markle – who believes it " terrified " by his new royal life – or his half Sister Samantha Grant – who does not lose an opportunity to attack him, making a little money in pbading – is the couple formed by his half-brother Thomas Markle Jr. (age 51) and his fiancée Darlene Blount (37), who takes him to the front page of the tabloids

After already two precedents, the police again intervened Friday, July 20, 2018 at the home of Thomas and Darlene, Grants Pbad in the Oregon in the United States, and proceeded to the arrest of madam, reports exclusively the Daily Mail . The British daily does not have much detail, but the main lines are clear: " Last night, there was a call for domestic violence at the home of Thomas Markle and Darlene Blount Darlene was arrested for badault [plus précisément, agression au quatrième degré, le moins grave, selon la législation de l’Oregon, NDLR] ", reported the source of the English newspaper.

Knocked on Friday, Darlene Blount spent the night in cell at Josephine County Jail before being released on bail the next day, Saturday, July 21st. An experience she had already experienced … The police had indeed had to intervene at the home of the couple during the New Year 2018 and had arrested the young woman … despite his account against his partner When she called the police, she claimed that Thomas Markle Jr. had drunk, stung a fit of jealousy and lost the pedals, starting to beat himself, but, once there, the agents did not had not swallowed her version and had apprehended her. She had spent two nights in prison, but had escaped prosecution as the prosecution dropped the charges. The couple later described the incident as a "click" and said they wanted to go on a couple and alcohol therapy. A year earlier, it was Thomas Markle who was arrested … after pointing a gun at his sweetheart's temple.

Thomas Markle Jr., who had begun praising his half-sister Meghan as a result of the revelation of his love affair with Prince Harry, then to turn his jacket over and chide on her after finding that he would not be invited to their wedding, will he go to the wedding – why did he even invite Harry? With the collection of mugshots which Darlene and him have, there would be enough to make a beautiful video in Bonnie & Clyde mode …

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