Mexico: Elected President begins dialogue with Trump on migrants


The day after his victory, which brought the left to power for the first time, the elected president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador, on Monday discussed the issue of migrants with his American counterpart.

C ' is Donald Trump who first mentioned this phone interview. He said he had a "good talk" with his future counterpart, predicting a "good relationship" ahead. "I think he'll try to help us on the border," he added.

"I got a call from Donald Trump and we talked for half an hour, confirmed the winner of the Mexican presidential in a message posted on Twitter. I proposed to him to consider a global agreement: development projects generating jobs in Mexico and, at the same time, reducing migration and improving security. "

Donald Trump recibí llamada y conversamos durante media hora. The propuse explores an integral acuerdo; of proyectos of desarrollo that generen empleos in México, there con ello, to reducir the migración y mejorar the seguridad. Hubo trato respetuoso and dialogarán nuestros representatives.

                            – Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_) July 2, 2018

Exchanges of amabilities began Sunday night, the announcement of the election result. "There is a lot to do for the good of both the United States and Mexico! Donald Trump had tweeted. What the former mayor of Mexico City said he wanted a "friendship and cooperation" relationship with the US

Congratulations to Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on becoming the next President of Mexico. I look very much forward to work with him. There is much to be done that will benefit both the United States and Mexico!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2018

Several times since arriving at the White House , the US president accused Mexico of "doing nothing" to prevent Central American migrants from reaching the border with the United States. He promised during his campaign to build a wall to stop illegal immigration from the south.

The relationship with his American neighbor is just one of the heavy challenges facing Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador. "I am very conscious of my historical responsibility […] I want to pbad to history as a good president," he said Sunday evening, with his wife, in front of a crowd of several thousand supporters gathered on Zocalo Square, in the center of Mexico City. " I will not disappoint you ! Promised them.

It will also have to bring about the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), with the United States and Canada, crucial for Mexico whose exports are turned 80% to its northern neighbor.

ALSO READ> What challenges await Lopez Obrador?

A majority in the Assembly and the Senate

After two successive failures, Lopez Obrador has got a crushing victory in the presidential election. The 64-year-old candidate won more than 52.9 percent of the vote, according to Monday evening's official results on 93.2 percent of ballots cast. He also got a majority of votes in the badembly and also seemed able to control the Senate on Monday. His party, Morena, won six of the nine governors' seats at stake, including one in the capital, who returns for the first time to a woman.

On Monday, when just over 50% of the ballots had been counted, the "Together We Make History" coalition (Juntos Harmemos Historia), led by Morena with the Labor Party (PT) and the Party Social Encounter (Partido Encuentro Social), got 213 seats of deputies out of the 500 at stake. In the Senate, the coalition could also obtain the majority according to the polls of exit of urns. This victory disrupts the Mexican political landscape dominated by the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), currently in power, and the National Action Party (PAN, center right)

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