Mexico: Lopez Obrador to invite Pope and receive Pompeo


Mexico City – Mexico's President-elect Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador announced Tuesday that he would receive US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on July 13 and that he would invite Pope Francis to "achieve peace" in this country undermined by violence.

The meeting with the head of the United States diplomacy, which will take place in Mexico City, is announced two days after the election, which brought the left to power for the first time in the modern history of the country, and the day after a telephone conversation between Lopez Obrador and Donald Trump, called " good " by the latter.

The two neighboring countries have had tense relations in recent months as the US president has repeatedly accused Mexico " of doing nothing " to prevent Central American migrants from reaching the border with the United States, and promised to build a wall to stop illegal immigration from the south.

This meeting will focus on issues " migration, trade, security and cooperation ," said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, adding that Mike Pompeo would also see the outgoing President Enrique Peña Nieto and the Minister Luis Videgaray.

" AMLO ", as the president-elect is nicknamed because of his initials, campaigned on the fight against corruption and violence, the two main scourges of Mexico.

Tuesday, after an interview with incumbent President Enrique Peña Nieto to prepare for the transition between them, he announced that he would invite the pontiff to define a strategy for " achieving peace " in this country where the violence of organized crime has made more than 200,000 dead since 2006.

" We will invite Pope Francis " as well as " religious leaders, leaders of organizations of human rights and the UN, to begin this meeting between all, with the goal of achieving peace in our country "he said at a press conference . The popes actually respond to invitations from dioceses.

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