Michael Blanc arrived in Geneva after 19 years in Indonesia for drug trafficking


Grenoble – The Frenchman Michaël Blanc arrived Sunday morning at Geneva airport, after nearly 19 years of detention in Indonesia for drug trafficking, told AFP Martial Saddier, former mayor of his hometown of Bonneville (Haute-Savoie).

" He landed well in Geneva ," said the current deputy of Haute-Savoie, close to the family and very invested in this file. He said the former detainee, now 45 years old, was to remain in a secret location " for a few days, in order to have a decompression chamber before public appearances ".

Since 2014, Michaël Blanc was released from prison but was living on parole in Jakarta alongside his mother, with the ban to leave the country until the expiry of his judicial review.

This deadline expired on July 21 and after final formalities, he was able to fly with Hélène Le Touzey, who had abandoned everything in 2000 to help his son in Indonesia after his conviction. Both were greeted Sunday by relatives at Geneva airport, including Michael's father, Jean-Claude Blanc.

In 1999, 26 years old at the time, this cook turned globetrotter had put his luggage on the tourist island of Bali to become a diving instructor.

His life rocked one day in December when he was stopped at the airport with 3.8 kilos of hashish in bottles. He explains that a friend has entrusted him to transport them but does not convince the justice of this country whose drug legislation is among the toughest in the world.

The following year, he is sentenced to life imprisonment, narrowly escaping the death penalty. In 2009, the French benefited from a partial presidential pardon, his sentence being commuted to 20 years of imprisonment. His release in 2014 barred him from leaving Indonesia before the end of his sentence, July 21, 2017, and after one more year of probation was completed on Saturday.

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