Migrants: the war between Saviano and Salvini, the symbol of division in Italy


The war between Matteo Salvini and Roberto Saviano takes a new turn. Thursday night, the Italian Deputy Prime Minister, also in charge of the immigration portfolio, said he had filed a complaint for defamation against the famous writer Neapolitan, his most virulent criticism in recent weeks. Roberto Saviano has repeatedly denounced the migration policy of great firmness set up by the leader of the league, party far right, recently entered the government. The tension is high between the two men, especially since the new minister has threatened to suspend the police protection that the writer enjoys since the death threats made by a clique of Camorra, the Neapolitan mafia, after the publication of Gomorra in 2006.

"I filed a complaint against Saviano, as promised. I accept all the criticism, but I do not allow anyone to say that I have helped the mafia, a shit that I fight with all my strength, or that I'm happy about the death of a child. Too much is too much, kisses, "wrote Matteo Salvini on Twitter in the evening. "Robertino, that's the end of the day," commented Luca Morisi, the Deputy Prime Minister's internet communication chief. The reaction of Roberto Saviano was not long in coming: "The Minister of Mala Vita [la mauvaise vie, l’un des surnoms de la mafia] decided to make a complaint. […] I will not stop at a power that is afraid of critical voices. In court, Salvini will be called to tell the truth, a new experience for him. A similar answer to the writer's recent outings against the minister.

Ho querelato Saviano, come promesso.
Accetto ogni critica, my unauthorized to say che io aiuto la mafia, una merda che combato con the word forez, or di sono felice muore a bambino
Wheno è troppo, è troppo.

– Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) 19 July 2018

Read too. Saviano to Salvini: "Do you think I'm going to be afraid of you? Jester! "

An Italian Division

While the political opposition to the populist government in place since June seems silenced, the Democratic Party (center left) by its internal quarrels, the clbadical right by its alliance with the League of Matteo Salvini and the left by his electoral defeat, Roberto Saviano has become a reference for critics of the new Minister of the Interior. In the media and on social networks, the writer protests against the very tough migration policy of Matteo Salvini, and opposes it to a lack of eagerness of the League to repay its judicial debts or to reject some doubtful supports in the South

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But the tweet that seems to have reacted Matteo Salvini dates from Tuesday, after the discovery, during a rescue operation conducted by the NGO Proactiva Open Arms, a woman and a child died at sea. "What pleasure does it give you to see innocent children die at sea? Matteo Salvini, Minister of Mala Vita, the hatred that you have sown will overthrow you, "Roberto Saviano had launched under a picture barely blurred with corpses. The war between the two personalities seems to reflect the division of Italy, and more broadly of Europe, on the question of migrants arriving en mbade from the Mediterranean. The Italian coastguard, which for several years has been coordinating the rescue of hundreds of thousands of people off Libya, is also beginning to denounce the migration policy of Matteo Salvini.

Coast Guard Malaise

in June, they must send back to Tripoli most of the calls for help and reports of boats in distress. Last week, a coastguard admiral, under cover of anonymity, rebelled against this policy in an interview daily Il Sole 24 Ore recalling that, according to Italian justice, the Libya was not the "safe place" required by the Hamburg Convention to land rescued persons. He also denounced the absence of a decree or official act motivated by the policy of closing the ports led by the Minister of the Interior, which left the captainesses in a state of helplessness vis-à-vis the different ships, commercial or military, foreign or Italian, remained stuck off often for several days before being allowed to land migrants often rescued on their instruction.

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On Wednesday evening, in the very formal setting of the 153rd anniversary of the Coast Guard Corps, their commander, Admiral Giovanni Pettorino, recalled the memory of Salvatore Todaro, a submariner who had taken significant risks in 1940 to rescue the survivors of a ship he had just sank. "In times of war, these things are not done," thundered the German staff to which he was attached. Faced with the new political leaders, Admiral Pettorino concluded his speech by hammering out Todaro's response: "We are sailors, Italian sailors. We have 2,000 years of civility behind us and these things we do. This part of his speech, applauded by the badembly, does not appear in the text sent to the press. But this priority came to the rescue on July 13, when the Italian coastguards sent to monitor by far 450 migrants huddled on a fishing boat began to rescue them while in Rome, the government asked them to wait until Malta does this.

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