Migrants: Trump administration accused of delaying family reunification


New York – An asylum-seeker migrant father, released with an electronic bracelet, but prevented from picking up his children sent to a New York reception center: migrants' defenders on Wednesday accused him of Trump administration to deliberately maintain separate families, despite the official end of this policy.

Around 20 New York politicians, religious leaders, badociation activists, and lawyers have called on Trump to fight and abolish the ICE Border Police in front of the Cayuga Centers in East Harlem. has become the New York incarnation of the policy of separation of families at the border that has caused an uproar, especially in democrat and pro-migrant bastions like New York.

According to the lawyers of the asylum seeker's father, a Honduran identified simply as Hector, it is at Cayuga that his two daughters, nine and five, are still detained.

A California magistrate ordered Donald Trump's government to reunite young migrant children with their parents arrested at the border as quickly as possible. Faced with the difficulty of the task, Judge Dana Sabraw granted Monday a deadline to the authorities.

According to the lawyers, Hector, who arrived in the United States in January, has been trying for over a month to recover his daughters, arrested and separated from their mother, still in detention, after crossing the Mexican-Texan border in June. .

Hector was hoping to be in New York on Wednesday, but immigration services, to which he must seek permission to travel, prevented him from doing so, according to one of his lawyers, Michael Avenatti.

million. Avenatti, who became famous these last month representing Stormy Daniels, the bad star who says he had a brief affair with Donald Trump, is now very active on this explosive issue of separated families.

He accused Wednesday Donald Trump and his administration of " wanting to continue sending a stale message ", saying " to white men (Americans) that for them to succeed, it is necessary to deprive of their dignity women, Muslims, migrants … But they are ours too ", he hammered.

The Cayuga Center, under contract with the federal government, has received since May about 250 children sent from the Mexican border, thousands of kilometers away, without their parents or city authorities being informed. .

The role of this center was revealed in late June, after a local television showed girls arriving incognito at night, escorted by an adult.

US authorities acknowledged Tuesday that less than half of the 102 children under five separated from their parents at the border had found their parents on Tuesday.

According to the authorities, some parents are still detained, others have criminal records loaded, while others have already been deported.

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